Gut Health

The “Secret” Strategy For Peak Mental Performance

You possess one of the most powerful tools in the universe… but you may not be using it to its full potential. You see… Your brain has astonishing potential like picture perfect recall, boundless creativity, and intuitive problem solving. 

But if you’re like most people, you sometimes struggle to keep your mind working at peak performance to feel nimble, sharp and clear. 

That “mentally sluggish” feeling can be both frustrating and disruptive. It can impact your ability to focus, amplify feelings of overwhelm, and can put a quick stop on any hard won motivation.

To get your gray matter moving again, perhaps you’ve tried playing brain games or taken brain-boosting herbs. If you’re reading this, you likely exercise and try to eat a clean and healthy diet.

If nothing has worked quite like you’ve wanted it to, then please keep reading… Because the true secret to unlocking your brain’s fullest capacity, peak performance and resilience lies somewhere a little unexpected…

First Things First: Your Brain Is Amazing

One petabyte. 1,000 terabytes. 1,000,000 gigabytes.

That’s how much memory capacity your brain has. That’s about as much as 20 million filing cabinets full of documents. Or 10 billion encyclopedia pages worth of information.

You have 86 billion neurons – brain cells – working around the clockEach of those neurons fire off between 5 and 50 messages per second. They send signals over synapses using special chemicals called neurotransmitters. And that’s how you know to lift your foot while climbing a staircase… or assess your environment… or create a compelling presentation.

The human brain is nothing short of amazing. It's constantly learning and adapting, processing information and helping us navigate through life. We wouldn't be able to accomplish anything without it!

But if reaching the full potential of your brain power is something you’re chasing, you’ll want to become familiar with a particular “state”... 


Increasing Your Capacity For Flow State

The psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi first coined the term “flow state” in his 1990 book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience". He described flow as "being completely involved in an activity for its own sake... Time flies... Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz."  

If you’ve ever experienced a flow state, you know how it feels to be so fully absorbed in what you’re doing that time doesn’t exist. All of your senses become fully engaged, and distractions – like thirst and fatigue – just disappear. 

Your work becomes effo