
Autumn Harvest Quinoa Bowl

Guest recipe and blog by Emily Hill @wonderwhyimfat

Fall is one of my favorite times of year to get creative in the kitchen. And – with all the Halloween treats, it’s always a good idea to get something healthy, nutritious and good for you in your gut! This Autumn Harvest Quinoa bowl will do the trick! Plus, if you’ve been apple picking like me, you’ll have a LOT of apples and this is a great recipe to use them in. 

Fact #1: Quinoa is great for gut health. It acts as a prebiotic allowing good bacteria to thrive. It may also help improve triglycerides and has a low glycemic index. 

Fact #2: Arugula is a true superfood! It is rich in nutrients and it is an excellent source of antioxidants and so good for you!

For this fantastic fall recipe, I’m using my favorite homemade salad dressing recipe (that is also so easy to make). The maple syrup gives it a natural sweetness. It’s a healthier alternative to artificial sweeteners which is found in most salad dressing.  

To give the dressing a digestive lift, I added in my favorite gut health superstar, Just Thrive Probiotic. Personally, after adding Just Thrive Probiotic to my daily routine, I am sleeping better and have more energy. I don’t go a day without it. 

If you’re like me and don’t love swallowing your daily supplements, you can sneak your Just Thrive into just about anything. It’s the easiest and most delicious way to ensure you are giving your body what it needs to perform at its best. 

So, are you ready to get your gut health back on track after indulging in some Halloween treats? 

Let's get cooking!