Gut Health

Just Thrive Answers Your "7 Most Commonly Asked Questions"

Hello from our Customer Care team!

We’ve had the awesome opportunity to speak with so many Just Thrive customers over the years, and we want to say THANK YOU for trusting us with your questions! 

Taking care of your health can be confusing. There is so much to learn, so many different approaches, and so many things to figure out.

    To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the 7 Most Commonly Asked Questions we get. It's our hope that this brings you clarity and confidence in moving forward...

    7 Most Commonly Asked Questions

    #1: What is die-off?

    Some people do experience what’s known as “die-off” when starting a powerful gut health product like Just Thrive Probiotic. Here’s the first thing you need to know:

    Although occasionally unpleasant, die-off is a GREAT SIGN that your Just Thrive Probiotic is working to starve out the bad bacteria in your gut, while feeding the good bacteria. So keep going; you’re giving your gut exactly what it needs to be balanced and healthy.  

    Die-off can look like temporary gastric upset, bloating, headaches, skin issues, diarrhea, irritability, etc. If you want, you may absolutely reduce your dosage to half a capsule a day, or even skip doses until these short-term effects wear off.

    In our years of advising customers on how to handle die-off, we’ve found that the overwhelming majority of people who reduced their dosage did great and were grateful they didn’t stop taking it. 

    Note: Die-off occurs because your body is working overtime to clean up the pathogens that have been neutralized. 

    To support the size and strength of your toxin cleanup crew, you can supplement with a daily dose of dairy-free immunoglobulin G (IgG). Taking IgG helps your body flush out the bad guys and has been shown to dramatically help with die-off issues.

    For more info on die-off as well as tips for how to minimize it, check out this article.

    #2: Why does your Probiotic contain spore strains?

    When it comes to your probiotic product, survivability makes all the difference!  

    Third party Gastric Survivability testing of more than 25 top conventional brands, all exclusively containing conventional lacto/bifido-based strains showed more than 99% of the bacteria in those products to be killed by stomach acidity.

    Just Thrive Probiotic is formulated with 4 of the most heavily researched, clinically-proven spore strains. These bacteria have evolved with an endospore shell to protect themselves from unfavorable environments, like when passing through stomach acidity.

    This protective shell allows the spore strains to come through the gastric system unharmed and arrive