Breakouts always seem to happen at the worst possible moment. And, of course, there’s never a time when you’re happy to see a new pimple erupt. Acne can drive you crazy and mess with your self-esteem at any age.
And it’s especially frustrating when every cream…gel… lotion just dries out your skin and makes it more sensitive. So when nothing you’re trying gets the job done, it’s time to take a new approach…
Tackle your acne from the inside out.
New research tells us that what’s going on in your gut microbiome – the trillions of bacteria in your gut – shows up on your face. And you can clear up your skin by changing your gut.
Acne Starts in Your Gut
A lot of factors play a part in causing breakouts. But as it turns out, the birth of nearly every acneic outbreak starts in your gut microbiome.
And when you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. What leads to your worst breakouts?
- “Trigger” foods
- Stress and intense emotions
- Toxins
All of those things can cause imbalances in your gut microbiome – a condition called dysbiosis. And that’s where acne gets started.
In fact, clinical studies show that people who are acne-prone have gut microbiomes that look different than people with clear skin. People with acne tend to have higher populations of pathogenic bacteria and lower levels of probiotic bacteria in their guts… creating the perfect dysbiosis storm.
How an Unbalanced Gut Triggers Breakouts
When your gut microbiome is out of balance, pathogenic bacteria vastly outnumber beneficial probiotic bacteria. And while those pathogens’ harmful effects start in your gut, they don’t stay there.
First, pathogens produce compounds called lipopolysaccharides, or LPS toxins – and they’re just as bad as they sound. LPS toxins alarm your immune system, sometimes sending it into overdrive. They also trigger the production of inflammatory compounds that have been closely linked to bad breakouts.
Next, pathogens and LPS toxins attack the protective barrier that lines your gut and locks in harmful compounds. With dysbiosis, there are enough pathogens present in your gut microbiome to severely damage that barrier, causing a leaky gut. And when you have a leaky gut, pathogens and LPS toxins escape into your bloodstream. From there, they travel all over your body causing problems – like acne – wherever they go.
Plus, those rogue pathogens and LPS toxins create free radicals that cause oxidative stress