
Probiotic Chai Spice Apple Cake

Guest recipe and blog by Cathryn Fowler: @cathryn_fowler_

Nothing quite screams fall like chunky wool sweaters, crisp cool air, changing of leaves, and of course, all the apples and spices! And to help celebrate the beginning of this cozy season, I bring you a very fall themed dessert; a dessert with a healthy, gut-friendly twist - Probiotic Chai Spice Apple Cake.

Imagine capturing all the smells and flavors of the season, throwing in some gut-loving probiotics, and doing it all in a sugar-free (or low-sugar), grain-free, flourless cake. A cake so healthy it could be served as breakfast or dessert…or both! No need to imagine it, because you can easily whip it up yourself. 

And bonus, your house will instantly smell like all things fall and coziness. 

Not only are Chai spices a perfect match for apples, but so is caramel! The recipe below has two different versions, and you can make whichever depending on what you have in your kitchen cabinet.

For the Chai spices in the cake, you can add the Addictive Wellness Chai Elixir Blends OR the cinnamon, nutmeg, and sweetener of your choice. 

And for the optional caramel sauce, you can either use the Addictive Wellness Caramel Elixir Blends or go for the pumpkin, almond butter route. 

Either way is delicious, and both ways support your gut to help keep you healthy and fueled so you don’t miss out on any fall festive fun.

chai spice apple cake

Probiotic Chai Spice Apple Cake (with optional caramel drizzle)

Ingredients for cake: 

  • 4 room temperature eggs
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • 3/4 cup coconut butter (melted)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 capsules Just Thrive Probiotic 
  • 2 Addictive Wellness Chai Elixir Blends OR 2 tsp cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg, and 2-4 Tbsp of your favorite sweetener. (Adjust for preferred sweetness level.)
  • 1/2 tsp real salt 
  • 1 large apple 
  • optional: handful of favorite nuts chopped up (I used Lark Ellen sprouted almonds) 


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F and line a baking dish with parchment paper.
  2. Mix eggs, baking soda, coconut butter, vanilla extract, the powder of Just Thrive Probiotic Capsules, and Addictive Wellness Chai Elixir Blends OR cinnamon, nutmeg, and sweetener (depending on which one you’re using). You can use a hand hold mixer if it’s easier. 
  3. Finely chop your apple and fold it into the batter. 
  4. Pour the batter in the baking dish.
  5. If using the nuts, sprinkle them on top. 
  6. Bake for around 35 minutes. 

Optional Caramel Sauce Ingredients: 

Caramel Option #1 (from Addictive Wellness): 

  • 2 packets of Addictive Wellness Caramel Elixir Blend
  • 4 tsp of hot water
  • 4 tsp of ghee


Caramel Option #2 

  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 cup almond butter
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (melted)
  • 2 TB Yacon Syrup (or maple syrup/honey) 
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon 

Stir all the ingredients together and pour over the bread when it comes out of the oven! Enjoy! 

Love, Cathryn
