This post has been updated on December 28, 2023.
You want to start 2024 off right, and that means protecting your health. With so many threats floating around, your immune system needs to be in fighting shape… but it also has to know when it’s time to slow down.
Because constant “attack” mode will have your immune system turning its sights on you.
To get that perfect balance, your immune system needs support. After all, it doesn’t know how to recognize and handle new threats… at least not yet.
You may be surprised by what that support looks like—it’s not the same old vitamin C and D advice you hear every year. And it’s not the standard “get outside more, be more active” advice either…
For the best New Year’s immune support, you’ll want to add five new items to your daily routine.
But before we dive in, let’s take a closer look at exactly how your immune system works (so you can understand why these new items will be so effective).
Fun Facts About Your Immune System
Your immune system has a lot of working parts, and it works around the clock, day after day, to keep you strong and healthy.
To support your immune system the right way, there are five important facts you should know. Let's review!
1. At least 70% of your immune system is in your gut.[1]
Seems weird, but many pathogens enter your body through food and water. So it makes sense that your immune system would be armed, ready, and stationed where the most threats can be found.
2. Your immune system recognizes every pathogen it’s ever battled…
Not only that, it remembers how to defeat every pathogen. That’s thanks to the adaptive immune system, which learns and grows with each new infection, and gets extra training sessions from your helpful gut bacteria. Speaking of which…
3. Probiotic bacteria in your gut teach your immune cells how to recognize pathogens…
They also teach your immune system how to tell the difference between friends—like your own tissues and organs—and threats.[2]
4. Your gut has a highly special lining that gives your immune system an edge.
One of your gut’s jobs is to keep pathogens safely locked inside. But your gut also has to allow the good guys (nutrients and healthful compounds like antioxidants) access to the places they’re needed. To do this, your gut lining selectively allows the good guys into your bloodstream without allowing pathogens through.
5. Your immune system has a battalion of “special soldiers”.
These special soldiers called immunoglobulins (or antibodies) protect your body against pathogens. Every time a threat appears, immunoglobulins attach to it and tag it so your natural killer cells can destroy it. And with so many threats out there, your immune system needs plenty of these front-line fighters at the ready.
So much of your immune function has roots in your gut. So you’ll absolutely want to prioritize gut health this year if you’re interested in having a robust, effective immune system. Doing that along with a few other secrets can help you have a happier, healthier New Year.
5 New Ways to Support a Healthy Immune System
You want to start 2024 off right… with abundant wellness… and stay that way all year long. And with the help of these five immune-building steps, you can take charge of your health in a whole new way.
1. Take a Stand Against Free Radicals
Every day you’re exposed to free radicals—molecules that cause oxidative damage to your cells and create all kinds of problems. Antioxidants neutralize those free radicals to protect your cellular health and DNA. And while you can get antioxidants from foods, your body needs extra help during periods of free radical overload which can happen if you’re stressed, overworked, not sleeping well, or sick.
Nature knows we can get overloaded and provides an abundance of antioxidants in plants and nutrients. Some of the best and most potent antioxidant power-up sources include:
- resveratrol
- selenium
- astaxanthin
- lycopene
- zeaxanthin
- lutein
- zinc
2. Fight Germs By Minding Your Mood
Your mental health is intricately linked with your immune system. Studies show that improving mental health also improves immunity and fosters healthy inflammatory responses.[3] On the flip side anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns can weaken the immune system and increase systemic inflammation.[4]
You can use a variety of tools to improve your mental health including talk therapy, mindfulness and meditation, and spending time in green spaces. And for next level support, consider a clinically proven psychobiotic like Bifidobacterium longum 1714™ found in