Gut Health

Is Leaky Gut Causing Your Skin Issues?

How to read the signs and feel comfortable in your own skin again.

Do your first thoughts in the morning include wondering if your skin is even worse than yesterday?

Is it hard to walk past a mirror without examining your skin?

When you suffer from a skin condition it affects every part of your life. It can make you feel lonely and separate.

No matter what skin condition plagues you—acne, rosacea, eczema, or something else—it can make your life so much more stressful. And no matter what you try, anything from medication to meditation, you still end up with flare-ups and breakouts and unbearable episodes.

But if you address the real root cause of most skin issues, something most people don’t even consider, everything will change.

An Epidemic of Unhealthy Skin

At least one in three people suffer with skin conditions, and those numbers continue to rise.

The most common issues include acne, eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis, and rosacea. And while these diseases are not contagious and may not technically be considered “serious,” their effects can damage your quality of life.

Symptoms can include:

  • Painfully dry skin
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Scaly, rough skin
  • Puffiness
  • Blotches and patches
  • Breakouts and bumps

And while many doctors go straight toward treating the symptoms you can see, they don’t focus on what’s happening inside, where the problems start. Because all of these can be traced back to a common cause: leaky gut.

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Leaky Gut Shows on Your Skin

Leaky gut is just what it sounds like: when things normally trapped in your gut leak out into the rest of your body. And when that happens, it affects every part of your body including your skin.

Your gut (your large intestine) has a protective barrier.[1] When the barrier holds at full strength, only healthy substances pass into your bloodstream while harmful bacteria and toxins stay safely locked inside so they can be eliminated. Problem is, those harmful elements don’t want to stay inside the gut, and they’ll do anything to fight their way out.

Pathogenic bacteria in your gut microbiome (the trillions of bacteria that live in your gut) naturally produce LPS toxins—one of the biggest threats to the barrier. A gut microbiome that’s in healthy balance can handle LPS toxins easily, neutralizing them before they get out of control. But when pathogens outnumber beneficial bacteria in your gut, a condition called dysbiosis, your body can’t handle the toxic overload.

LPS toxins attack your gut barrier 24/7 until they weaken it enough to sneak through.[2] That’s a leaky gut… and it can be worse than it sounds. When you’re dealing with a leaky gut, pathogens and toxins can move into your bloodstream and cause problems everywhere in your body.[3]

That includes disrupting your skin’s own microbiome and creating the conditions for painful skin problems.

LPS Toxins Trigger Skin Flare-Ups and Breakouts

When your gut barrier becomes leaky and LPS toxins make their way into your bloodstream, they circulate throughout your body. They set off a cascade of events that lead to the factors that cause skin issues, trigger flare-ups, and make symptoms