Gut Health

Healthy Fertility: Two Surprising Factors Deliver Much-Loved Results

Infertility can sometimes still be somewhat of a taboo topic, but it’s far from rare. 

According to the CDC, about one out of every eight women have difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term

But struggling with fertility issues is hard. 

You want to be a parent – and you’ll be a great one – but it feels like the odds are against you.

This may feel completely out of your control, but…

There are ways to improve your chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy. 

Keep reading for two simple ways to boost your fertility. Even better, they both work for women and men… giving you double the chance of building your family together.


What’s Causing Fertility Issues?

Infertility affects millions of families every year. In the U.S. alone, around 10% of women and more than 9% of men deal with this heart-wrenching issue. 

The leading causes of infertility in women include:

  • Hormone imbalances
  • Systemic inflammation
  • Ovulation problems caused by conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
  • Blocked fallopian tubes, which can be caused by endometriosis or PID (pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Underlying chronic conditions such as thyroid disease and celiac disease

For men, the main causes include:

  • Low testosterone levels
  • Inability to produce enough – or any – sperm
  • Slow-moving sperm
  • Immature sperm
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Chronic conditions that can affect sperm production and behavior

And while these causes seem unrelated, most of them can be connected back to either:

An imbalanced gut microbiome... 

– or – 

Low levels of a vitamin you may not even realize you need.

couple looking at sonagram


Step 1: Balance Your Gut Microbiome To Encourage Healthy Fertility

Your gut microbiome contains trillions of bacteria, both beneficial probiotics and harmful pathogens. When your gut is in healthy balance – meaning probiotics outnumber pathogens – it contributes to your good health in hundreds of significant ways. That includes encouraging fertility in men and women… and successful pregnancies.

Here are just some of the ways the probiotic bacteria in your gut microbiome support fertility:

Plus, your gut microbiome influences the balance of bacteria in your reproductive tract microbiome. 

Research shows that pathogen overgrowth in the reproductive microbiome can disrupt fertility and conception. And those pathogens often get their start in an unbalanced gut.

Unfortunately, it’s pretty easy to knock your gut microbiome out of balance – a condition called dysbiosis – where pathogens outnumber probiotics... And put your fertility in jeopardy.


Dysbiosis Thwarts Fertility

It doesn’t take much to cause dysbiosis. A single course of antibiotics… a viral infection… a few days of unhealthy eating… Any of those things can lead to dysbiosis, and they’re far from the only potential causes. 

Once your gut microbiome falls out of balance, the overgrowth of harmful bacteria can impair your fertility in several ways:

  • Pathogens like pseudomonas and prevotella have been linked to low quality sperm 
  • Dysbiosis has been linked with IVF failure
  • E. coli, commonly found in dysbiosis, interferes with fertility in men and women
  • Dysbiosis has been strongly linked with PCOS, a leading cause of infertility
  • Dysbiosis alters production of an enzyme called B-glucuronidase that affects circulating estrogen levels, leading to fertility problems

So to support your optimal fertility, you first need to restore balance in your gut microbiome.

Luckily, you can rebalance your gut microbiome quickly and easily with highly effective spore probiotics. Spore probiotics increase and support a diverse population of probiotic bacteria in your gut… and that healthy gut can help promote fertility. 

And that’s not the only step you can take to improve your odds…

positive pregnancy test


Step 2: Supplement With Vitamin K2 To Support Fertility

A lot of recent infertility research has focused on the gut microbiome, but there’s another important – and little known – factor: Vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 doesn’t get a lot of attention. You may not see it on nutrition labels or in multivitamin supplements. But it plays a huge role in your overall health, and that includes your fertility. 

This essential vitamin (also called menaquinone) activates important proteins in your body – In fact, they can’t turn on without it.

Through that protein activation, Vitamin K2 affects everything from strong bones to healthy circulation to hormone production and regulation.  

New research shows that vitamin K2-7, the most potent and active form of K2, has beneficial effects on women with PCOS… including hormones that affect their fertility.

Vitamin K2 also plays a key role in male fertility. Osteocalcin, one of the proteins that K2 turns on, affects testosterone and sperm production.

Other K2-dependent proteins, such as MGP (matrix Gla protein) help sperm mature so they can fertilize eggs.


Support Healthy Fertility with Just Thrive

Give your body the support it needs for healthy fertility: 

  • A well-balanced gut microbiome full of beneficial probiotic bacteria and 
  • Sufficient supplies of vitamin K2-7, the key to activating important proteins

Just Thrive Probiotic contains four clinically studied strains of spore probiotics. These spore probiotics effectively encourage other beneficial bacteria to flourish for a healthy, diverse, well-balanced gut microbiome.

Just Thrive Vitamin K2-7 supplies the recommended daily dose of pharmaceutical grade vitamin K2-7, along with its crucial co-factors to maximize absorption. 

Just Thrive Probiotic and Just Thrive Vitamin K2-7 truly deliver… And can help bring you the results you’re after. Add them into your daily routine today.

Just Thrive probiotic & K2-7
