Gut Health

Microplastics Can Damage Your Gut Microbiome

Here’s how to protect yourself and your family from plastic poison

Every day you’re facing a terrible threat. One that can destroy your health from the inside out. One that you can’t avoid no matter how well you take care of yourself. One we’ve seen all over social media and the news…

And while it may seem overwhelming, it’s absolutely not hopeless. Especially if you focus on your gut health.

It’s true that our world is contaminated with microplastics and nanoplastics—plastic particles so small that they can infiltrate anywhere. And it’s true that they can get into your body with your gut microbiome often being their first stop.

But you have the power to protect your health in multiple ways… from minimizing your exposure to taking proactive steps to safeguard your gut microbiome… you just need to know where to start.

The Truth About Microplastics

The data is scary: Microplastics and nanoplastics are everywhere.

In virtually every body of water, from oceans to ponds to streams.

In bottled water and tap water.[1]

In the air you’re breathing right now.[2,3]

In the food you’re eating… fish… honey… even fruits and vegetables.[4,5]

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So what exactly are microplastics and nanoplastics?

They’re extremely small plastic particles from broken-down plastic products. So small you can’t see them or even notice them. So small they can get into your body through drinking water, food, and air.

Microplastics are plastic particles between 100 nanometers and 5 millimeters wide. For reference, a pencil point is about one millimeter and 100 nanometers is 0.0001 of a millimeter.

Nanoplastics are smaller than 100 nanometers. For comparison, one strand of hair is about 80,000 nanometers wide.

Microplastics contain “a cocktail of hazardous chemicals” used in plastic production, everything from dyes to polymers.[6] And when you ingest or inhale microplastics or nanoplastics, all of those poisonous and potentially cancer-causing chemicals come with them.

What micro plastic is made of - Chemical ingredients. Close up of microplastic on finger concept of water pollution and global warming

We’re Not Trying to Scare You, But…

You and everyone in your family—including infants—have almost certainly been exposed to microplastics and nanoplastics. They’re pervasive in nature and basically unavoidable.

Once you breathe them in or ingest them, microplastics and nanoplastics can infiltrate your organs: lungs, liver, heart, kidneys… even your brain. Once they’re in, these plastic particles can interfere with normal and necessary biological functions. They can affect immunity, fertility, growth and development.[7,8] They can cause serious and ongoing damage to your health. Some researchers even fear an upcoming toxic “plastic pandemics.”[9]

Microplastics and nanoplastics have been found circulating in blood. Even scarier, they’ve been found in breastmilk[10], which should be the absolute safest thing to feed your baby.

And because many of these hazardous particles enter with food and beverages, they can seriously disrupt your gut microbiome, the trillions of bacteria in your gut. That can lead to dysbiosis, a condition where pathogens overgrow in your gut and cause all sorts of hea