Immune Health

The Truth About the Colostrum Craze

And a better way to promote strong immunity and gut health test

Have you seen the colostrum hype in your Insta feed? Watched influencers talk it up on TikTok?

Colostrum is making waves on social media with all sorts of promises from thicker hair, to instant weight loss, to perfect gut health, to stronger immunity.

But is there anything behind those claims? Can it really be the miracle substance people are making it out to be?

Keep reading for the real deal on colostrum, including whether or not it can offer any health benefits or even cause health problems. Plus, we’ll share a better way to promote your gut health and immunity.

What Exactly Is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the first milk a mammal mother produces after her baby is born. It’s thicker, richer, and more nutrient-dense than her regular milk because newborns need extra protection immediately after birth.[1]

Colostrum is full of health support for newborns, including essential fatty acids, antioxidants, growth factors, and immunoglobulins (also called antibodies).[2]

All of these nutrients are designed to help the newborn transition to life outside the womb. And while they all contribute to the baby’s survival, the immunoglobulins are critical for building their developing immune system.

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Immunoglobulins Set the Foundation for Immune and Gut Health

Immunoglobulins are powerful Y-shaped proteins created by your immune system. They constantly patrol, looking for potential infectious microbes called antigens.[3] Their Y-shape makes it easier to latch on to antigens and quickly neutralize them before they can start making you sick.

Common antigens include:

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Yeasts
  • Fungi
  • Allergens
  • Toxins

When your immune system senses antigens, it sends out teams of immunoglobulins to fight them. The most crucial and plentiful defenders are known as Immunoglobulin G, or IgG. Those IgG antibodies are so important that they make up nearly 80% of your total protection squad.[4]

When IgG antibodies catch antigens, they bind to them so they can’t escape. Then the IgG defuses the antigen’s infectious potential so it can’t cause harm.[5] Finally, IgG transports that antigen out of your body before it can trigger anything like infection, inflammation, or intestinal distress.

Immunoglobulins—especially immunoglobulin G—are the fighters your immune system relies on to protect you from bacteria, viruses, and toxins.

Under ideal conditions, your immune system is able to produce all the IgG you need to defend against almost anything you come in contact with. But when your immune system gets overwhelmed or overloaded—by things like stress, a poor diet, environmental toxins—your IgG army may need reinforcements from outside.

That’s a big reason why colostrum has become a hot trend on social media – Because it contains crucial immunoglobulin reinforcements.

However, there’s a big question mark in the scientific community as to whether colostrum is the best IgG delivery system for human adults.

Caution with Colostrum

Colostrum was designed by nature to nourish and protect babies, with bovine colostrum meant for baby cows. So there’s not much research into its effects in adult humans. So while influencers tout all the human adult health benefits of colostrum, some of that is based on evidence of how it works in calves.

And colostrum also comes with some potential downsides.

First, if you have any type of dairy sensitivity, bovine colostrum can kick symptoms into high gear. It has a significantly higher protein content than milk[1], and those proteins can trigger reactions in people with dairy issues.

Second, colostrum contains growth factors such as IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1) that may accelerate growth of certain types of cancer.[6]

Third, some people experience side effects with bovine colostrum such as nausea, bloating, and flatulence.[7]

But even though colostrum isn’t a perfect immunoglobulin delivery system, that doesn’t mean you can’t give your immunity some extra support. Because there is a highly effective, highly researched way to add to your body’s immunoglobulin supplies without adding growth factors or dairy issues into the mix.

Human antibodies, immunoglobulin proteins, Immune system. 3D rendering

Another Delivery Method Gets the Job Done

If you were looking at colostrum as a way to support your immunity and your gut health, you have another more effective option: serum-derived bo