Gut Health

Total Gut First Aid Kit and Lasting Intestinal Relief

If gut problems like constipation…diarrhea…gas… bloating, etc…. feel like they’re controlling your life…

You’re about to take back control!

Those frustrating, embarrassing, painful gut issues can keep you on the sidelines. They get in the way of work, play, and even sleep. And you never know when you’ll get hit with a sudden flare-up.

But you can change all of that – and restore gut comfort – when you understand exactly when your gut needs to be healthy and strong.

Gut Issues Affect All of Us 

If you’re feeling on your own in your gut suffering, know this: you aren’t alone.

According to a national survey of U.S. adults, over 70% reported experienced at least one gastrointestinal (GI) symptom in the last year.

Gut problems – like diarrhea and constipation – send more people to the doctor than almost anything else.

Unfortunately, a lot of the time there’s not much doctors can do other than tell you to change your diet. And if your symptoms are really severe, they may offer up some prescription drugs to try and manage your discomfort.

But, like most medications, these prescription gut drugs come with unwanted side effects... And, they’re rarely a fix for the problem.

GI issues  

The Sources of Ongoing GI Problems 

Everyone at some point will deal with occasional constipation, diarrhea, or other GI issues. It’s just part of life.

But millions of us have to deal with those kinds of problems every day… or maybe it just feels like every day because it’s so frequent and disruptive. Ongoing chronic GI issues often involve either IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease). 

Though their initials are similar, these two gut problems are very different.

IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, is a functional problem. Your GI system structure isn’t broken – it’s just not working properly… and that can make it hard for doctors to diagnose.  

IBD, inflammatory bowel disease, includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, two inflammatory diseases that attack and destroy intestinal tissue.  

Interestingly (and perplexingly), both IBS and IBD cause a lot of the same symptoms, including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Cramping

But what’s the root cause?

IBS… IBD… and virtually all other GI issues, from traveler’s diarrhea to colon cancer, involve and often start as a result of imbalances in your gut microbiome.

All GI Problems Link Back to Your Gut Microbiome 

Your gut microbiome contains trillions of bacteria, both beneficial (probiotic) bacteria and harmful (pathogenic) bacteria. When your gut microbiome is in healthy balance, probiotics vastly outnumber pathogens.

But when pathogens overgrow and outnumber probiotics, your gut falls out of balance and into a condition called dysbiosis. And that’s when the trouble really starts.

Dysbiosis causes GI issues… makes existing conditions worse… and can even cause problems outside your gut.

Dysbiosis has been directly linked with essentially every GI problem you can think of, including:

  • IBS
  • Crohn’s disease (