Guest recipe and blog by Aneesa @allgoodwithaneesa
It’s that time of year again -- Back To School!
The first day of school is a big event in many family households—new school supplies, new school clothes, new shoes, new classroom, new teachers and unfortunately, new viruses and bacteria.
Every year, parents around the world wonder, “how do I protect my kids?” While you may wish you could put your precious babies in a protective bubble, that is of course not reality. So, what can you do?
The easiest and best way is to support their immune systems so their bodies can fight off whatever bad guys they encounter. And thankfully, there are many natural ways to help support our immune system! Some of my favorite things to do for back to school are:
- Sleep: Getting back on a sleep schedule after many unregulated summer late nights, is one of the easiest things to do to help keep our bodies healthy. Sleep is so important for the body to rest and heal.
- Control sugar: After bbq’s, pool parties and sleepovers, the sugar intake is out of control. Try adding in some fresh fruit to lunches, instead of candy, snack cakes, etc..
Add more greens: Greens are loaded with B-vitamins that help detoxify the system
- Exercise and fresh air: It’s so important to keep our bodies moving and healthy and daily vitamin D is crucial to keeping the immune system strong. Get outdoors!
- Consume more probiotics: Eat more probiotic rich foods and take a daily Just Thrive Probiotic and PREbiotic (you can treat your kiddos to my immune boost popsicle recipe!)
Over 70% of our immune system is found in our intestines – which is why optimal gut health is in direct correlation to optimal overall health. One of the best parts of Just Thrive Probiotic and PREbiotic is that you can add them into recipes! No pills to swallow, no yucky taste, just great gut-healthy goodness!
In addition to the Just Thrive superstars, my popsicle’s immune-support power also comes from a healthy dose of vitamin C, antioxidants with acerola, camu camu, and alma berry.
My 4 year old loves them and I don’t feel bad about giving one (or many) to him. It’s like a frozen nutrient packed smoothie❣️ What a fantastic treat to come home to after a long day at school!
And now, onto the recipe!
Back-to-school Dragon Fruit Defender Popsicles(Recipe for 8-10 popsicles) Ingredients: