Gut Health

7 Essential Health Moves to Make in Your 30s

Now that you’re in your 30s, life has gotten a little more complex and considerably more busy.


Between your relationships… your family… your career…  and your ever-mounting responsibilities, it’s likely that you feel you barely have time to take care of yourself!


But taking care of you has never been more important.


It’s no exaggeration to say that the habits you develop now can influence the quality of your health for the rest of your life.


That’s largely because chronic and age-related diseases from things like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer often put down roots while you’re in your 30s… long before any signs of disease show up.


So to embrace a vibrantly healthy future free of frustrating health challenges, get started on these 7 essential health moves today.



1. Manage your stress levels

When it comes to staying healthy, chronic stress is one of your worst enemies.  Stress causes changes in your body’s hormone balance, immune responses, calorie processing, and more. All of those can negatively affect your health, both now and in the future.


And since you can’t completely avoid stress, it’s crucial to develop strong stress-management skills.  Here are some ways you can help reduce the damaging effects stress has on your body:


  • Make sure to take (ie: schedule) “me-time” Self-care is not selfish… you need to recharge so you don’t burn out.
  • Practice proven relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises.
  • Schedule regular body work sessions, which can include massage, acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy, and Reiki.
  • Seek coaching or therapy if you need an assist sorting out your stressors and their effects on you. (We ALL need an assist from time to time)



2. Maintain a healthy weight


In your teens and likely in your 20s, you could get away with eating less healthy and exercising whenever (or never) without packing on the proverbial consequences. Once you’re in your 30s, however, your metabolism starts to slow down, which means your body holds on to more calories (even if you don’t eat more!)


The older you get, the easier it is to gain weight… and the harder it is to lose weight. Now is the time to start focusing on keeping your healthy weight steady.


Need some extra, scientific leverage? Check this out:


>> Having a high BMI (body mass index) increases your risk for heart disease, diabetes, infertility, and premature death. 


>> Keeping your weight at a healthy level will help you live a longer, healthier life. And now is the time to take control of that… because it will only get harder.



3. Get enough sleep


It can be tough to get quality sleep at any age… and it’s 100 times tougher if you have young children in the house. That’s why it’s important for you to create your own sleep routine and stick to it as much as you can. Because getting too little sleep – meaning less than 7 hours a night –  can take an enormous toll on your health and wellbeing.  

Consequences of shunning the recommended nightly dose of 8 hours include:



Do your best to get as much sleep as possible, preferably no less than 7 hours in a row most nights.


Pro Sleep Tip: If you can, try to take occasional “sleep vacations.” This is exactly what it sounds like: You create the conditions – either in your home or at a hotel/resort – where you’ll be free from the kids, dogs, and trash trucks that can disrupt your sleep.



4. Get – and stay – active


Your days are packed, maybe even over-packed, so it’s hard to find time to exercise (and no – chasing toddlers around doesn’t count). But making the time to exercise can help you be more productive during the day. And going without regular exercise can set you on the path toward a host of things you definitely don’t want, including debilitating chronic diseases from osteoporosis to cancer. 


Consider starting your day with an early morning workout. Exercising in the morning can help boost your energy level for the whole day. And exercising before your energy and motivation get drained by your to-do list helps make sure that you’ll get in a good workout.


How much is enough? If you’re in your 30’s, 30 minutes of daily activity is thought to be a great goal to shoot for. If you can't swing that, the minimum recommended amount of moderate activity is 150 minutes of per week (21 minutes per day.)



5. Stock up on these crucial nutrients


Even if you’re eating a clean, you may not be getting the proper balance of crucial nutrients for optimal health. The specific nutrients to be mindful of include:


  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin K2, especially in the K2-7 (menaquinone-7) form


All of these nutrients perform multiple functions in the body, from immune to cardiovascular to brain health. And deficiencies – even mild ones – can really slow you down. These four nutrients also help keep your bones strong, which is extra important now that you’re in your 30s – the time when your bone mass can start to decrease.



6. Minimize inflammation


Inflammation is the body's natural response to protect itself against harm. A normal inflammatory response occurs when you slam your elbow into a doorframe or cut your finger – Your immune system releases chemicals that trigger a helpful response from your immune system.


But an abnormal inflammatory response – otherwise known as chronic inflammation – is when your natural immune response lingers. This renders your body in a constant state of alert.


Low level, chronic inflammation is thought to be the triggering event behind dozens of health challenges and diseases, including:


  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Autoimmune conditions, including lupus and fibromyalgia
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Alzheimer’s disease


You can help your body keep inflammation to a minimum by:




7. Balance Your Gut Microbiome


Your gut microbiome contains trillions of bacteria, both beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and harmful bacteria (pathogens.) When your gut microbiome is in healthy balance, probiotics vastly outnumber pathogens. And those probiotic bacteria work hard to support optimal and healthy aging.  

Among other things, a healthy, well-balanced gut microbiome



But when your gut microbiome falls out of balance – a condition called dysbiosis – pathogens outnumber probiotic bacteria. Dysbiosis can disrupt your current and future health in moderate to extreme ways.


In fact, dysbiosis can cause whole-body chronic inflammation and immune system malfunctions, putting you on the path to serious health conditions


So prioritizing your gut health can make a huge difference for your wellness and longevity. And according to numerous studies, the best way to keep your gut microbiome in balance in our modern world is by supplementing with a high quality spore probiotic.



Keep Your Gut Microbiome in Healthy Balance with Just Thrive Probiotic

Now that you’re in your 30s, it’s time to take charge of your health. Starting and sticking with healthy habits can set you up for a lifetime of vibrant health. And balancing your gut microbiome with Just Thrive Probiotic is one of the best health moves you can make – At ANY age.


Add Just Thrive Probiotic to your wellness routine today. 
