If you feel like you’ll never stop getting urinary tract infections (UTIs), you’ll be happy to know there are specific things you can do to prevent them. And that’s true even if they’ve been plaguing you for years.
Imagine how freeing it will feel to be done with the urgency… the burning… the sleepless nights.
No more being tied to the bathroom. No more skipping work or school because you constantly have to pee.
These five simple steps that you can do in the comfort of your own home can really help turn things around. You’ll be in control of your urinary tract health… so UTIs won’t be controlling you.
What Causes Urinary Tract Infections
UTIs take hold when infectious microbes – like bacteria or fungus – make their way into your urinary tract. One type of bacteria in particular – E. coli – causes up to 90% of all UTIs. It’s also responsible for at least 75% of recurring UTIs.
So chances are that if you keep getting UTIs, E. coli is involved.
Another possible UTI culprit: Candida albicans, a common fungal infection. Antibiotics can increase your risk of developing a Candida infection, and treating your UTI can actually cause another UTI! And because drug-resistant E. coli - which can cause recurrent UTIs – calls for a harsher and stronger combination of antibiotics that treatment could leave you struggling with a Candida-caused UTI in its place.
That means you could end up with a UTI problem that never fully goes away. And a lingering UTI can lead to other health problems.
The Dangers of Untreated Urinary Tract Infections
UTIs can be frustrating and uncomfortable, and that’s bad enough. But if they go untreated, UTIs can have severe health consequences.
Left unchecked, the infectious bacteria that caused your UTI can travel up your urethra, colonize in your bladder, and eventually travel to your kidneys.
In the worst case, you could develop a kidney infection… and those can turn deadly. Along with some seriously scary symptoms – like intense pain, high fever, and mental disorientation – these infections can cause permanent damage to your kidneys. That can lead to a condition called urosepsis, a type of immune response that can lead to organ failure or death.
That’s why it’s so important to get proper treatment for your UTI… and do whatever you can to avoid getting another one.
5 Simple Things You Can Do to Avoid UTIs
UTIs range from annoying to unbearable. And wherever you land on that scale, the last thing you want is to have to deal with another one. Luckily, there are 5 simple steps you can take to help substantially reduce your risk of getting a UTI.
1. Stay hydrated.
When you’re dealing with a UTI, it might seem like you should stop drinking liquid altogether. After all, you don’t want to have to use the bathroom even more. But that can actually make UTIs worse… and drinking plenty of healthy liquids can make things better. Your two best choices for keeping your urinary tract healthy: water and cranberry j