Immune Health

10 Signs Your Detox Pathways Are Blocked

And 7 ways to get them working properly again

Have you been feeling slow, sluggish, itchy, or achy? Does your digestive system feel like it’s mad at you? Are you struggling to focus, even on things that normally interest you?

If you’re living with symptoms that just don't seem to want to go away, there’s a good chance that your body’s natural detox pathways are blocked. That means that the toxins that normally get neutralized as soon as they arrive are lingering and accumulating in your body. And the symptoms you’re dealing with will begin to intensify unless you get the toxin trash train running on time again.

Your body knows how to do this… it just needs specific support for its natural detoxification processes. And it’s nearly impossible to live in this toxic world if you don’t provide that support regularly.

The Everyday Toxin Bombardment

A weekend food and booze binge is not the reason your detox pathways are blocked (though it definitely doesn’t help).

Every day you’re surrounded by toxins in the air, water, and food.[1] They’re in your neighborhood… your kids’ playground… your hiking trails. They’re all over your house in the paint, the carpet, the furniture, almost every household or personal care product.

Since you have to breathe, eat, and drink, you cannot completely avoid toxins. Even if you only use squeaky clean products in your home, you still walk around the block, go places in your car, and spend lots of time at work or school.

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The chemicals in the products we buy are frightening. Heavy metals, formaldehyde, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), known cancer-causing compounds... All of these can cause serious problems if your body can’t get rid of them fast enough.

Heavy metals, like lead and mercury, can damage your vital organs. Formaldehyde can disrupt your immune system function. EDCs interfere with hormone function, which affects every system in your body. And these three killer chemicals can be found in everything from makeup to water bottles to the sofa you’re sitting on.

You can’t completely avoid these terrible toxins, but you can take proactive steps to revitalize your body’s detox pathways and clear the toxins out. Because without a fully functional self-detox system, those poisons will start to overload you.

Glaring Signs That You Have Toxin Overload

When your body is overwhelmed by toxins, you’ll start to feel it—even if you can’t quite figure out why you feel that way. Toxins can affect your body in a lot of ways, but the ten most common signs that your body needs some extra detox support include:

  • Fatigue and sluggishness
  • Weight gain and difficulty losing weight
  • Diarrhea, constipation, gas, and bloating
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Feeling depressed or stressed
  • Skin breakouts
  • Bad breath
  • Headaches
  • Getting sick a lot
  • Slower recovery from illnesses and wounds

If you’re starting to notice even one of these signs that you can’t tie directly to something else, your body is letting you know it’s overloaded with toxins that can do serious damage to your lifelong health.

Luckily, your body does know how to handle toxins using its built-in detox system. But if you’ve hit the point of toxin overload, that system will need extra support. That doesn’t mean costly detox cleansing kits or crazy lemon juice and olive oil diets—just simple steps you can take to support your body’s detoxifying powers so you can feel more like yourself.

Photo of man talking to doctor in background with liver model in foreground

Lymph and Liver: Your Toxin Cleaning Crew

Your body has a complex detox mechanism that relies heavily on two key players: your lymphatic system and your liver.

Most people don’t know much about the lymphatic system; it doesn’t get a lot of attention unless something is seriously wrong. But it’s critical to your immunity, circulation, and metabolism. It includes a network of lymphatic vessels and cells, lymph nodes, and organs including your spleen. Your lymphatic system connects to every part of your body, collecting excess fluid, cellular byproducts, and toxins that need to be eliminated.[2,3]

Your liver is your body’s primary detox organ, responsible for neutralizing, trapping, and converting toxins into waste products so they can be safely eliminated.[4,5,6] For example, your liver processes alcohol to remove it from your blood and helps your body break down medications into easily useful substances and eliminates the rest.

But a toxin overload can overwhelm these critical functions. That leaves the toxins in circulation longer and gives them a chance to damage the lymphatic system and liver.

The good news is, you are not at the mercy of toxins and their effects. You can take proactive steps to minimize your toxic load and to provide targeted support to your liver and lymph system.

7 Ways to Support Your Detox System

To keep your natural detox system fully functional despite a constant barrage of everyday toxins, you have to prioritize lymph and liver health. This will promote your overall wellness, because toxin build up can attack any body system and leave you feeling lousy.

Take these 7 simple steps to clear and support your body’s detox system.

1. Prioritize restorative sleep.

Your lymphatic system and liver do their best detox work overnight while you’re sleeping.[7,8] Giving your body this essential down time gives it a chance to focus on detoxifying.

2. Minimize your toxin load.

Detoxify your household with safer, natural personal care and household cleaner options.[9] Watch your alcohol consumption, and limit use of over-the-counter medications—like acetaminophen—known to cause liver damage. The more you do to minimize toxin exposure, the less chance your detox system will get overloaded.

3. Drink plenty of water.

Your body gets rid of toxins primarily through sweat and excretion, and both of those take plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps flush the toxins out more quickly, thoroughly, and efficiently.[10] Plus, staying hydrated plays a key role in keeping you healthy by regulating body temperature, delivering nutrients to your cells, and even helping your vital organs function properly.

4. Get regular physical activity.

Exercise improves your body’s detox capabilities by increasing blood flow and lymphatic circulation. It gets you sweating—one of the main ways toxins exit the body.

5. Load up on detox-friendly foods.

Sticking with whole, non-GMO, organic foods does a lot to minimize your body’s toxic load, and specific natural foods offer an extra dose of detox support.[11] Add plenty of cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, avocados, and antioxidant-rich berries into your daily diet to boost liver and lymph function. You should also try to reduce your consumption of heavily processed and other problematic foods as much as possible.

6. Balance your gut microbiome.

Your gut microbiome, the trillions of bacteria in your gut, plays a key role in toxin excretion.[12] It keeps your digestive system moving properly, especially bowel movements, to make sure toxins get removed daily. When your gut microbiome is out of balance, a state known as dysbiosis, meaning pathogens outnumber beneficial bacteria, that interferes with the detox process. So you’ll want to take a high-quality spore probiotic daily to keep your gut microbiome in healthy balance.

7. Beef up your natural immunoglobulin defenses.

Immunoglobulins (IgG) are frontline immune system defenders. These cells look for toxins 24/7. Whenever they detect one, IgG identifies it, neutralizes it, and safely removes it from your body. When your detox systems are overloaded though, supplemental immunoglobulins can help ensure your body's natural defenses continue to function properly. They work the same way as the IgG your immune system produces, binding and neutralizing toxins to protect your healthy.[13]

Support Your Natural Detox System with Just Thrive

You can’t avoid everyday toxins… but you can help your body deal with them more effectively. Giving your natural detox system extra support helps keep things running smoothly so your body doesn’t get overloaded.

Your lymphatic system and liver can’t do it all alone. They need assistance from a healthy gut microbiome and immune system super soldiers—immunoglobulins.

Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant helps keep your gut microbiome in health balance with a clinically studied combination of four proven spore probiotics:

  • Bacillus indicus HU36™
  • Bacillus subtilis HU58™
  • Bacillus coagulans (SC-208)
  • Bacillus clausii (SC-109)

Ultimate IgG supplies a fresh squad of immunoglobulins to support your immune system in the face of everyday challenges so you can feel healthy and strong.

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