
The Strongest Super Food for 2021

Guest recipe and blog by Brooke Winget @brookestonewellness

A new year is a great time for a fresh restart! And what better way to start the new year than with a healthier, happier YOU!

Whatever your health goals are for 2021, eating right will no doubt be a cornerstone piece. To help you make smart food choices, I’ve pulled together one of my most favorite HEALTHY (and easy and fun) recipes!

This recipe is my go-to power food. It’s made up of ingredients that have some absolutely amazing benefits, including being a powerful driver of detox.

This recipe is...

(drumroll please)

Raw Carrot Salad!  

Let’s talk about the benefits of carrots.

» Eyes love carrots! Because they’re rich in lutein and lycopene, carrots can encourage strong eyesight, including night vision.

» They’re an incredible source of beta carotene, which your body uses to make Vitamin A. Known as a crucial nutrient, Vitamin A plays a large role in cell growth, and maintains healthy organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys.

» Carrots – particularly raw carrots – can do wonders for GI issues like constipation.

» Being rich in potassium, carrots can help bring down cholesterol levels, support a healthy cardiovascular system, and even address water retention. 

» When mixed with the oil, vinegar, and salt, the fibers in the carrots have been shown to bind to toxins, making it easier for your body to get rid of them. 

» Carrots are amazing for your skin. Apart from the beta carotene, carrots have a high silicon content which promotes the growth of healthy skin and nails.

» Because they’re packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, eating raw carrots can greatly contribute to strong bones and nerves, and help improve cognition.

» The antioxidants in carrots help the body protect itself against free radical damage, and mount a strong defense against harmful bacteria and viruses.


take carrot salad to the next level

There’s no shortage of reasons to make carrots a staple of your eating regimen. And when you start incorporating this recipe into your weekly diet, you’ll see and feel the benefits. People have told me they even start to crave it!

Want to take things to the next level?

Add even more healthy goodness to this salad by including my favorite probiotic into the recipe.

What can I say about Just Thrive Probiotic… There’s just nothing else like it.

Apart from the fact that you can open a cap and add it to just about any recipe (you can even bake it up to 455 degree without losing potency…)

The proprietary strain HU36™ will turn your gut into an antioxidant factory, delivering powerful nutrients in your intestines where they can do the most good!

I trust Just Thrive Probiotic because it’s been proven effective by multiple clinical studies. And once you experience the difference it makes, you won’t want to miss a day of having it.

And now, on to the recipe...



Raw Carrot Salad Powered by Just Thrive Probiotic


📍   1-2 carrots

📍   1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar

📍   1-2 MCT oil (you use coconut oil or olive oil)

📍   Salt

📍   1 capsule Just Thrive Probiotic



  1. Shred the carrots in a bowl.
  2. Add the vinegar, oil, salt, and probiotic
  3. Mix and then much



~Brooke Winget @brookestonewellness