Gut Health

The 12 Signs of SIBO (What You Don’t Know Can Make You Sick)

If you wake up with a flat stomach and go to bed feeling six months pregnant…you may have SIBO.

If you feel bloated and gassy more often than not…you probably have SIBO.

If you’re practically chained to the bathroom with either diarrhea or constipation… chances are you have SIBO.

SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, affects millions of people…but not all of them know it. That’s because SIBO is often left undiagnosed, or is misdiagnosed as something else. And when doctors don’t pinpoint what’s really going on, it’s much tougher to fix.

Luckily, learning how to properly identify and address SIBO will support your best gut health and much more.

SIBO 101

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is just what it sounds like: An abnormal increase in the overall bacterial population in the small intestine—particularly with types of bacteria that aren't supposed to be in that part of your digestive tract.

Sometimes this happens because healthy, beneficial bacteria from the large intestine make their way to the small intestine and start colonizing there. Other times (less often), the bacteria that are supposed to be in the small intestine become imbalanced and overgrow.

Either way, that overgrowth sets your body on a problematic path. The extra bacteria feed on undigested food in your small intestine—especially sugary, starchy carbs. They transform those carbs into hydrogen gas. Some of that hydrogen gets ingested by other microbes in your gut, and they turn it into methane gas.

When this happens, your gut fills with extra hydrogen, methane, or both gases. And you can probably guess what happens next… gas attacks and painful bloating, usually followed by either diarrhea (if there’s more hydrogen) or constipation (if there’s more methane).

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Know the 12 Signs of SIBO

SIBO gets missed or misdiagnosed so often because it can cause symptoms that may "look like" many other health concerns.[1] SIBO signs include:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Stomach pain
  • Pale, extra-smelly poop
  • Abdominal cramping