Say goodbye to diarrhea... constipation... gas... and cramps thanks to a breakthrough in leaky gut technology...
Are you chained to the bathroom by ongoing diarrhea or constipation? Do you avoid eating in restaurants or dining with friends because you’re afraid you’ll have an episode?
If you’ve been living with the isolation of severe GI (gastrointestinal) issues, your life is about to get significantly better. Finally, there’s a way to address the real problem behind your worst GI unrest...a damaging condition that can make inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and celiac disease even worse.
And by addressing the trouble at its source, you’ll be able to eat what you want without fear...and leave your bathroom without worrying how soon you’ll need to get back there.
All it takes is 30 days...
Causing Your Worst Symptoms
Constant struggles with diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, and cramps can make you feel like a prisoner. And those are just the most noticeable symptoms that a leaky gut can cause or make worse...especially if you’re dealing with a chronic GI disorder. You may have tried going to the doctor, only to be waved off if you mentioned “leaky gut.”
Most mainstream doctors won’t recognize or acknowledge the disease, and they often blame its symptoms on bad diets or runaway emotions. That’s a mistake. Leaky gut is real. It affects millions of Americans. And the problems it causes can extend far beyond your GI tract. In fact, this condition seems to “play a critical role in the development of age-related inflammation and frailty.”1
Tight Junction Malfunction
Your intestinal lining—which covers about 4,000 square feet—is made up of individual cells, closely locked together. When everything is working the way it should, those cells come together to form tight junctions, and the lining acts as a firm barrier that strictly controls what’s allowed into the bloodstream.
But when those tight junctions malfunction, things go very wrong. Toxins, waste products, undigested food, and bacteria sneak through your intestines and leak into your bloodstream. That causes a waterfall of immune and inflammatory responses that sets the stage for chronic health problems and autoimmune diseases... along with painful inflammatory bowel diseases.
Underneath Celiac, Crohn’s, and Colitis
If you’re already struggling with debilitating IBD or celiac disease, leaky gut makes it worse. When the intestinal barrier is weakened and toxins slip through, autoimmune GI conditions—such as celiac, Crohn’s disease, and colitis—progress more quickly and episodes are triggered more frequently. 2
A new study 3 found that patients suffering from IBD with ongoing abdominal pain and diarrhea showed strong evidence of leaky gut.
The researchers found that even patients who’d been considered “cured” of IBD lived with continuous symptoms when also presenting with leaky gut. In fact, even slight increases in their leaky gut scores were linked to additional bouts of diarrhea every day. And leaky gut can cause damaging health issues throughout the body...
The Autoimmune Connection
The effects of leaky gut don’t end in your GI tract. A growing body of evidence shows us that this problem plays an important role in many autoimmune conditions (4,5)... and that includes allergies.
In fact, studies (6,7) show that leaky gut may be connected with diseases such as:
- Type 1 diabetes
- lupus
- multiple sclerosis
- rheumatoid arthritis
But solve the underlying leaky gut issue, and many autoimmune conditions will clear up entirely. And all it takes is a 30-day course of a uniquely curative proprietary probiotic blend.