Gut Health

Featured on Healing Quest: Probiotics & Glyphosate (PODCAST)

We’re so thankful for the recent interview Just Thrive microbiologist, Kiran Krishnan, did with our friends Judy and Roy for their Healing Quest podcast. This particular topic is one we’re passionate about, since it’s having a monumental impact on gut health, the human microbiome and – inevitably – whole body health.

SUMMARY: PROBIOTICS AND GLYPHOSATE >> Can probiotics protect us against the potential threat to our digestive tract posed by glyphosate the active ingredient in the worlds most frequently used weed killer? Click here to listen as Kiran Krishnan talks about this important-to-YOUR-health topic…and read the interview transcript below.


Roy Walkenhorst:  Hi, and welcome back to Healing Quest. I’m Roy Walkenhorst.

Judy Brooks:  And I’m Judy Brooks. And if you’re just joining us, our focus is holistic wellness and that means the latest in natural ways to keep us all healthy.

Judy Brooks:  Last Monday in San Francisco, a trial began that’s attracting national attention, especially in the natural health community. It’s a suit against the Monsanto company involving the world’s most popular weed killer, and that would be Roundup.

Roy Walkenhorst: The plaintiff is a Benicia man who worked for two years as a groundskeeper in Benicia schools and used Monsanto’s Roundup product as a weed killer. He says the cancer that’s now about to kill him was caused by glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup.

Judy Brooks: Three years ago, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer said glyphosate is, “Probably carcinogenic to humans” and that glyphosate also can cause cancer in lab animals. Well, Monsanto says that the WHO report is incorrect and overshadowed by 800 other studies showing that glyphosate is safe. The trial is attracting wide attention because hundreds of other lawsuits against Monsanto are pending.

Roy Walkenhorst: But aside from the legal issues, the trial raises another big question. If glyphosate does indeed cause cancer, what can we do to protect ourselves, since the use of Roundup and glyphosate is so widespread?

Roy Walkenhorst: To see what our options there might be, we’ve invited microbiologist Kiran Krishnan to join us on today’s show. Kiran’s an expert on the immune system, and he’s the developer of the Just Thrive probiotic which clinical trials are showing is very effective in supporting our immune system. Kiran, thanks for joining us on Healing Quest.

Kiran Krishnan: My pleasure. Thank you for having me again.

Roy Walkenhorst: As a microbiologist, what’s your view of the threat posed by glyphosate?

Kiran Krishnan: To me, it’s one of the most dangerous chemicals that we’re exposed to. It acts as an antimicrobial, so it’s an antibiotic, essentially, and that’s confirmed by Monsanto’s own patent that they filed in the 1970’s, that claims that glyphosate, as a compound, is a very potent antimicrobial and antibiotic. The problem with it as an antibiotic is it has a very finicky character. It specifically kills good bacteria and allows bad bacteria to flourish. Now, there’s very few … Right? Can you imagine … Most antibiotics that we would use, that doctors would give you a prescription for, they basically kill all bacteria, good and bad. And that’s part of where their problem comes from. But this is something that we’re exposed to a low levels every single day, that slowly selects for some of the worst bacteria within your gut, and kills off the good bacteria.

Kiran Krishnan: It selects for things like Clostridia. It selects for things like Salmonella, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, all of these kind of harmful toxin-producing pathogenic bacteria, and we’re consuming it on a daily basis.

Roy Walkenhorst: