
5 Covert Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy

You want your kids to be safe and healthy. So you do everything you can to make sure that happens…but it’s not always easy to get them to play along.

Kids can be fussy about everything from the foods they won’t eat to the pills they won’t take. And since being healthy can feel boring or yucky to them, you need to get creative.

Because the truth is that your kids face threats to their physical and mental health every day. Pesticides on the playground. Bad air quality. Whichever virus is going around. Mean kids. All of that can take a toll on your children. And it’s up to you to give them all the tools and support their bodies need to thrive despite everything they’re facing.

Here are five covert ways to keep your kids healthy, making sure they get all the good stuff in without resistance.

1. Use Hydration Tricks

It can be tough to get your children to drink plenty of water, but they need it—especially when they’re active. Every cell in the body relies on water to function. And without enough water, their cells and organs can’t work properly. They need water for everything from digestion to breathing to blood circulation.

So you may need to rely on some tricks to keep them well hydrated. Here are some of the best tips to get kids excited about drinking water.

  • Use their favorite frozen fruit as ice cubes or make fruit-infused water.
  • Make fun shaped ice cubes, from unicorns to Darth Vader to footballs.
  • Give them a special cup, straw, or water bottle to use.
  • Create games related to drinking water. For example, every time someone says a code word, like hello, they take a drink.

Using these covert methods to get more water into your kid will help them build a water habit. And that can help keep them healthy for their whole lives.

photo of brother and sister sipping prebiotic smoothies through straws

2. Sneak in Prebiotic Fiber

Prebiotics are special kinds of fiber that nourish the beneficial bacteria—probiotics—in your child’s gut microbiome. They’re abundant in plant foods, but your kid would have to eat a whole farmer’s market every day to get enough prebiotic fiber through diet alone. And it can be hard enough to get them to eat even a few servings, so prebiotic supplements are a must.

The main job of prebiotics is feeding probiotic gut bacteria, but they provide tons of proven benefits that can keep your kid healthy. Among many other things, research shows that prebiotics support:

  • proper balanced immune function[1]
  • healthy digestion[2]
  • sound sleep[3]
  • positive moods[4]
  • healthy stress management[5]
  • attention and focus[6]
  • complete nutrient absorption[7]

The trick lies in providing prebiotic fiber that nourishes probiotic bacteria without causing any stomach upset for your kid. And that calls for specific prebiotics known to be gentle on the digestive system such as fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), and xylooligosaccharides (XOS).[8]

3. Make Exercise Just Plain Fun

The easiest way to sneak those in? Use a proven prebiotic drink mix that gives your kid’s water a sweet fruity flavor (without the bad stuff like fillers and sugar) and plenty of fiber.

A lot of kids get turned off by the idea of “boring” exercise. The word conjures up running laps, doing pushups, and other stuff that doesn’t feel like fun. But you know how important exercise is for your children’s overall health…and how vulnerable they are to chronic health problems like obesity, heart problems, and type 2 diabetes without enough activity.[9]

Turn family activities into fun physical activities that include exercise…but don’t feel like a chore. Examples include things like:

  • treasure hunt hikes
  • swimming or bike races
  • spontaneous dance parties
  • family games like tag or touch football

Making movement a fun, creative part of every day will transform exercise into a lifelong healthy habit.

photo of mom and daughter meditating to de-stress

4. Prioritize Down Time For Your Kids to De-stress

Research shows that millions of kids suffer from anxiety.[10] And that’s not really surprising when you think about everything they have to deal with. From active shooter drills to academic pressure to social media, potential stressors are everywhere.

Kids may not even realize they’re stressed and anxious, and their symptoms may not be what we expect those emotions to look like; they may seem more like physical or behavioral issues such as:

  • stomach aches
  • headaches
  • irritability
  • aggression or “acting out”
  • excessive crying
  • trouble sleeping
  • fear of being away from you

You can help your child manage anxiety on the sly by introducing self-care and relaxation techniques into their daily routine. Practices like box breathing (inhale, hold, exhale, hold), meditation, yoga, and mindfulness will serve your children well, and teaching them to take space early on will make it an integral part of their life for better emotional health.

5. Hide Probiotics In Their Favorite Foods

It can be hard to get kids to take probiotics, but these beneficial bacteria are the #1 secret to keeping them healthy…and that includes their mental health.

Your child’s gut microbiome—the trillions of bacteria in their gut—shape, direct, and support their immune system from day one.[11] In a well-balanced gut microbiome, beneficial probiotic bacteria vastly outnumber harmful pathogens. And those probiotic bacteria provide dozens of critical health benefits including:

  • producing essential nutrients such as B vitamins…and even protective antioxidants[12]
  • increasing protein absorption and utilization[13]
  • keeping your child’s whole digestive system healthy and regular[14]
  • producing brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) like serotonin and GABA that promote calm, happy moods[15]
  • helping your child experience quality sleep[16]
  • supporting healthy immune system function and response[17]

All of these health benefits—and many, many more—come from a well-balanced gut microbiome.[18] So it’s important to keep your kid’s gut in healthy balance with clinically proven spore probiotics. And it’s easier than you think to get your children to take them. That’s because the right spore probiotics can stand up to heat, cold, and virtually any conditions that regular probiotics can’t.

So you can cook them, bake them, even freeze them, and they’ll still be 100% alive and ready to work as soon as they hit your kid’s gut. That means you can sprinkle them in a PB&J that will sit in a lunchbox for hours. Bake them into oatmeal cookies. Mix them into pancake batter. Freeze them in fruit pops. Sneak them into mac-and-cheese. And those hearty spore probiotics will still work 100% effectively every time.

Covertly Help Your Kids Just Thrive

At Just Thrive, we know how hard you work to keep your children healthy and safe, and we want to make that easier for you.

Your child’s gut microbiome sets the stage for their wellness, so it’s extra important to keep it in healthy balance all year round. And your best tools for making that happen are Just Thrive Prebiotic and Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant.

Just Thrive Prebiotic contains an exclusive blend of FOS, GOS, and XOS designed to nourish a diverse population of beneficial bacteria in your child’s gut microbiome and deliver dozens of general health benefits.

For your child age 4+, mix ½ scoop in their water or favorite beverage every day for a week, then increase to 1 full scoop daily. Then simply let them sip all day long for a healthy helping of proven prebiotic fiber.

Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant contains four clinically proven spore probiotic strains studied extensively in children:

  • Bacillus subtilis HU58™
  • Bacillus indicus HU36™
  • Bacillus clausii
  • Bacillus coagulans

This team of spore probiotics allow a wide variety of beneficial bacteria to flourish, crowding out unwanted strains and supporting overall health and wellness. And every capsule can be safely added to any recipe—hot or cold—without losing effectiveness.

Or…if your kids prefer…Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant also comes in a fruity gummy form. Just Thrive Probiotic Gummies contain the same proven probiotic strains, with the added benefit of being extra easy and tasty to take.

Add Just Thrive Prebiotic and Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant into your children’s daily routine today to keep them safe and healthy every day.

>> Support your child’s best health with our Prebiotic / Probiotic Bundle and save.

And if you’re unsure about trying Just Thrive Prebiotic and Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant, we can help.

EVERY Just Thrive purchase is covered by our Bottom of the Bottle, 100% money back guarantee.

That means you can try Just Thrive Prebiotic and Just Thrive Probiotic to see how well they work for your child…and we’re betting that you’ll notice a positive difference.

But if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied, you can ask for a full refund at any time. Even if it’s 3 months or 3 years later. Even if the bottle is empty! You’ll get your money back any time, no hassles, no hard feelings.

>> Tap here to try the Core Health bundle RISK FREE, and save 15% with a subscription.


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