Gut Health

Can Dogs Eat “_______”

Every time you eat, those puppy dog eyes watch you. Your pup acts like he’s/she’s starving… like you never feed them… and begs for something off your plate. 

It’s hard to resist that beloved face. And because you love your pup, you naturally want to give them a tiny piece…  or let them lick your plate clean. 

Before you do, though, make sure you know which foods are completely safe, which cause stomach upset, and which can be hazardous to your precious furry friend’s health…

Because for a healthy and happy dog, you want to keep their gut as healthy as it can be. 

Know the Absolute NOs 

While there are plenty of foods you and your pooch can safely share, there are some that can cause grave consequences. Make sure to never give your dog foods from this list (1) –– 

  • Chocolate contains compounds called methylxanthines which are toxic for dogs. Even small amounts of chocolate – especially if it’s dark chocolate – can bring on vomiting and diarrhea. And large amounts could cause heart problems, seizures, or death.
  • Mixed nuts contain high levels of fats and oils, too much for your dog’s digestive system to manage. They can cause vomiting and diarrhea as well as a potentially deadly disease called pancreatitis. 
  • Macadamia nuts particularly are among the most dangerous foods for dogs. They can affect your dog’s nervous system, cause intense vomiting, increase your pup’s temperature, and make your dog unable to walk.
  • Salted almonds increase water retention, which can be fatal for dogs with heart disease. That along with the high concentration of fats make these a definite no for your fur baby.
  • Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, though veterinary scientists don’t know exactly why.
  • Dairy products contain lactose which can’t be properly broken down by your dog’s digestive system. Dogs don’t produce much lactase, just like people who are lactose intolerant. Giving your pup milk, cheese, and other dairy products can cause excessive gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • Xylitol, a sweetener often found in candy, gum, and baked goods – can cause your dog’s insulin levels to increase leading to dangerously low blood sugar levels. That can cause symptoms like vomiting, sluggishness, loss of coordination, and seizures – all signs of liver failure. 

If you even suspect your dog has ingested any of these dangerous foods, contact your vet immediately or call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435.

While the foods above can cause immediate harm to your dog’s health, the list doesn’t end there. There are many other people foods that can knock their gut out of balance, causing slow but steady damage that could have serious consequences.(2) 

dogs and kids

These People Food Will Upset Your Dog’s Stomach

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