Just Thrive Blog

healthy dogs

CBD or Probiotics? Which Is Best for Your Dog?

When it comes to your dog’s health, naturally you just want the best for them. Perhaps you’ve heard that probiotic...

. 10 min read

“Eat The Bowl Too” Enrichment Dog Treat

Guest recipe and blog by rachel fusaro @rachelfusaro  I call myself a hopeless health romantic when it comes to helpi...

. 4 min read

Can Dogs Eat “_______”

How to keep your pup’s gut healthy and safe

. 12 min read

How to Stop Room-Clearing Dog Farts

You love everything about your dog… Well… almost everything. Truth be told, you could do without the foul-smelling f...

. 5 min read

A Love Letter to My Pup’s Gut

Guest blog by Colleen (and Elle the Frenchie) / @grrlgenius

. 2 min read

Why Your Pup Needs a Probiotic

Dealing with Your Dog’s Gas, Bad Breath, and Diarrhea

. 3 min read