Immune Health

Brain Fog Clouding Your Mind? Look at Your Gut

You wake up in a fog that doesn’t clear even after your caffeine fix. It’s hard to think, focus, and make decisions. You suddenly have trouble remembering things you absolutely know. 

Your brain feels tired, overloaded, and just slower than it used to be. And you start wondering if you’ll ever feel clear again.

Welcome to the wonderful world of brain fog.

While there are a lot of misconceptions about what brain fog actually is, here’s the truth: It’s not just stress… and it’s not a “normal” sign of aging.

And - if you’re like the majority of Americans, your brain fog likely comes from just one unexpected source. Here’s why that’s great news: By making one simple shift, you can address the root of the fog and lift the switch on your maximum brain power.

LPS Toxins, Leaky Gut, And How They Impact Your Body (and Brain)

Your large intestine – your gut -  is lined with a protective barrier. It uses selective permeability to allow only healthy substances, like nutrients and antioxidants, into your bloodstream while keeping bacteria, toxins, and other unhealthy particles out.

When everything is working smoothly, your gut barrier acts as a shield that keeps your whole body safe. Unfortunately, your gut barrier is highly vulnerable to threats, which include things like antibiotics and pesticide residue on foods. 

But its biggest threat comes from LPS toxins.

LPS toxins (lipopolysaccharides) are produced by harmful bacteria in your gut microbiome. And when those pathogens outnumber beneficial bacteria in your gut, your body can’t always handle the LPS toxin overload.

LPS toxins constantly attack your gut barrier until it’s weakened enough for harmful particles to sneak through. That’s a leaky gut… and it’s even more dangerous than it sounds.

With a leaky gut, pathogens and toxins escape into the bloodstream and cause problems everywhere in your body. 

And that includes your brain.

bucket leaking

How A Leaky Gut Causes Brain Fog

It seems like a bold claim that a leaky gut can make it easy to forget appointments… make it hard to make decisions… and make it seem near impossible to focus. 

But the toxins and pathogens that make their way through the gut barrier can end up reaching your brain.  So when your gut barrier isn’t functioning the way it’s supposed to, your brain power can suffer. 

Once harmful particles escape into your bloodstream, they can travel throughout your body and make their way to your brain… And when they get to your brain, the toxins and pathogens can harm your brain cells and brain function…which can result in brain fog.

Research shows that:

So if you want to feel sharp, clear, and in control of your brain, you need to stop the leaks in your gut… 

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