Gut Health

12 Natural Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

Allergies are more than just a nuisance – They can be downright painful and disruptive. And according to statistics, the number of people who suffer with allergies is only going up.

According to, the percentage of American adults who endure some manner of allergy onslaught is a whopping 30%.

On top of that, the percentage of American children who have allergies is even higher - an astounding 40%! 

In total, more than 50 million Americans report allergy challenges annually, with an estimated annual cost to the healthcare system of about $18 billion.

So clearly, allergies are nothing to sneeze at.

And certainly, nobody WANTS to struggle through a chronic or seasonal allergic episode. That’s why the average consumer runs straight for an over-the-counter and/or prescription medication to find relief.

These solutions, while occasionally effective, can quickly rack up considerable out-of-pocket costs – AND – they’re often a package deal with a number of difficult side effects such as drowsiness, medicine-head, brain fog, and even blurred vision. 

Fortunately, nature has equipped you and I with a number of natural solutions that can offer less stuffy days and congested nights. Below, you’ll find 12 of my favorite natural remedies to help you fight the good fight against allergies...

1.  LOCAL Raw Honey

 raw honey

Honey produced in and around the area where you live works better to relieve allergies because it contains traces of your local pollen. Over time your body will start to build an immunity to the pollen, which can eventually lead to relief. In concept, this is similar to the idea of getting allergy shots. Make sure to check (and double check) where the honey is produced so you know you’re getting something truly LOCAL.

Aim to have a couple tablespoons per day (it’s sweet, so, that shouldn’t be too much of a stretch).  

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar is known in natural health circles for its many immune supporting properties. It can help balance the bodies’ PH, break up mucus, and even support lymphatic drainage. Experts recommend mixing one to two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water.  

That makes for a pretty ‘stiff’ drink. Unless you have a palette of steel, I recommend added 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and a half tablespoon of local raw honey. 

Pro Tip: Drink the mixture through a straw to protect the enamel on your teeth. 

3. Vitamin A

 vitamin a

Apart from immune support, Vitamin A is also an important nutrient for vision, growth and reproduction. Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties, which helps protect the cells of your body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are nasty little buggers and are responsible for a whole host of health challenges, including allergies.

Vitamin A is naturally found in many foods, such as spinach and liver. If you’re not too keen on those less-than-delicious food choices, supplementation could be an option for you. The Mayo Clinic recommends 900 micrograms (mcg) for adult men and 700 mcg for adult women.

4. Zinc

Zinc is an important trace mineral, and is renowned for the role it plays in immune function. But did you know? It also assists with wound healing, and many natural health practitioners believe that it can offer excellent allergy support. I’ve also found that supplementing with