Its always fun to have a little potty talk, especially if your a bunch of teenage boys making jokes in a locker room. We know our poo comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors (and let’s not forget odors). As funny, or awkward, as this might be, your poo can tell you a lot about your digestive system and your overall health.
Lets start with color.
What does the color of your poo mean?
This is the color we strive for with every movement. This means everything looks like its in proper working order.
This color looks good on a car, but no so much in our poo. This can mean a lower GI bleed or Diverticulosis.
This could be Crohn’s Disease! But, let’s hope it was that Red Velvet Cupcake you ate yesterday on “Cheat Day”.
We call this the pale poo. If this is floating in your bathroom pool, you might wanna check your Gallbladder.
The Vampire poo! Check your gums because it could very well be symptoms of Porphyia.