Just Thrive Blog

b vitamins

What Is MTHFR, and Why Should I Care?

The MTHFR gene could be the answer to your health and happiness. B vitamins are essential for your survival, wellnes...

. 6 min read

Is It Stress or Anxiety?

Plus What You Can Do to Feel Calm and Relaxed

. 6 min read

Don’t Let Adult ADHD Derail Your Life

The surprising solution that delivers calm focus without side effects

. 5 min read

Why Do I Feel Anxious for No Reason?

The surprising secret that’s keeping you worried and afraid

. 7 min read

Beef Up Your Brain Power with Bacteria

How Your Gut Bacteria Affect Memory, Focus, and Flow

. 7 min read

The New Science Of Turning Your Frown Upside Down

Here’s the surprising, clinically-backed secret to feeling calm and happy

. 6 min read

Anxious? Tired? You May “B” Short on This Vitamin

Sometimes, the best way to put the “B” back in “Being your Best” can be found via supporting a specific set of vitamins

. 12 min read