Gut Health

Sick of Urinary Tract Infections? Take Charge of Your Health With 3 Natural Powerhouses

When you feel like you have to pee every 10 minutes…

And it burns when you actually do manage to pee…

There’s a good chance you have a urinary tract infection.

And if you’re like most women, it’s not the first – and it won’t be the last.

Women get urinary tract infections (commonly known as “UTIs”) 8 times more than men do. About 60% of women will get at least one UTI in her lifetime… and 27% will get another UTI within just 6 months. 

But a proactive approach that includes a trio of urinary health power players can help you avoid the annoying urgency and discomfort UTIs bring. And the sooner you get started, the better.


8 Most Common Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection


When you have a UTI, you feel tied to the bathroom. It feels like you have to pee all the time, so you can’t risk being too far away.

This can have a seriously disruptive effect on your life, especially if you’re at work or school. And that’s not the only way a UTI can ruin your day.

The 8 most common symptoms of UTIs – symptoms that will interfere with your life – include: 

  1. A constant urge to urinate
  2. A burning feeling when you urinate
  3. Being able to urinate only in very small amounts
  4. Urine that smells noticeably weird
  5. Cloudy urine
  6. Red or pink urine (which means there’s blood in your urine)
  7. Pelvic pain
  8. Kidney pain (in the middle of your back)

If you have any of these symptoms, head over to your doctor and get a urine test. If you do have a UTI, your urine will be full of bacteria… 

The Cause of 90% of All Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections rank as one of the most common bacterial infections worldwide. They affect 150 million people – most of them women – every year. 

The National Kidney Foundation reports that E. coli causes 80 to 90% of all UTIs…  and more than 75% of recurrent UTIs. 

So, chances are, if you have a UTI, you’re dealing with E. coli. Other bacteria – such as K. pneumonia – can cause UTIs as well, but that’s much less common.

UTIs can also be caused by fungal infections – especially Candida albicans. Frustratingly, those fungal infections are often triggered by antibiotic use. And since antibiotics tend to be the go-to treatment for UTIs… especially recurrent UTIs… Candida can complicate the problem.

Antibiotics can’t treat fungal infections. And the drugs that treat fungal infections do nothing to stop bacteria. That can leave you taking multiple, powerful medications that come with long lists of uncomfortable side effects.

Worse, if you’re struggling through recurrent UTIs, you may be dealing with drug-resistant strains of bacteria. And that can make the medication completely ineffective. 


Support Lasting Urinary Health with These 3 Natural Powerhouses 

If you’ve ever had a UTI, you never