Gut Health

Podcast with Dr. Michael Ruscio: 4 Novel Bacillus Probiotics That Can Help Heal Your Gut

Certain bacillus probiotics can help to heal your gut. We have all likely heard of lactobacillus probiotics, but there are four less commonly discussed probiotics that you should include in your probiotic regimen.

Episode Intro

Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC: Hey everyone. Welcome to Dr. Ruscio radio. This is Dr. Ruscio. Today I am here with Kiran Krishnan. And we are going to be talking about soil based probiotics and getting kind of deep into that world. So welcome to the show and thanks for being here today.

Kiran Krishnan: Thank you so much for having me and it is great to have this opportunity to talk with you.

DrMR: It is always nice to discuss probiotics. I think the audience has come to a fairly supportive probiotic narrative on the podcasts, but also one that is careful and discerning. And before we were recording, we were kind of talking about some of the marketing fallacies that circulate regarding probiotics. And I think it will be nice to dispel some of those myths, because there is a lot marketing out there. And if the consumer can be guided through that cloud of marketing with some sort of guiding light, they can hopefully use probiotics to feel better, rather than just literally pooping money away.

KK: Exactly. Yeah, there is a lot of pooping money away going on, you know. But the great thing about it is probiotics hold significant promise. We know the gut microbiome controls such a vast aspect of our health. And if we can modulate the microbiome in a positive way using these effective strains, we can make a significant impact on so many chronic illnesses. So these kind of dialogues or narratives are so important, I think, to people, to their health and wellness.


DrMR: Absolutely. Can you tell people a little bit about your background before we get into some of the nitty gritty regarding soil-based probiotics?

KK: Yes. I am trained as a research microbiologist. I was working in bacteriology and virology, with the focus on something called molecular medicine. My research work before went into industry was focused on HIV retroviruses and then also certain types of bacteria. Then when I left university research, my goal was to start a clinical research organization, to be able to offer high level clinical trials to nutritional companies.

Because most of the clinical research organizations out there are designed to conduct pharmaceutical studies. And they are very expensive. And they have disease end points. So you really cannot even talk about the results once you complete the study.

So my whole focus was to create an opportunity for nutritional companies to do good studies, but at a reasonable cost. And that is how I got into the nutritional space and even the probiotic space.

SupplementsAbout 12 years ago, I was hired by a large multi-national company to study the probiotic market for them and basically come up with here is what is working in the industry, here is what is not working, here are the issues that I see with the way probiotics are manufactured and formulated and then also to give them a preview on what I think are the next generation of really effective probiotic strains. So that is how is I ended up diving head first into the probiotic and microbiom