
Lemon Coconut Bites

Guest blog and recipe by Megan Tomlin @goodmoodfoodrd.

With Summertime finally starting to roll in, I figured this was the perfect time to introduce to you my lemon coconut bites!

When I was growing up I used to always say that I did not want any fruit in my dessert, but once I expanded my palate a bit more, I have grown to love the sweet, salty, slightly bitter taste of lemon desserts. I brought these lemon coconut bites to my weekly supper club, and everyone was so impressed that they were completely vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free.

These little balls of joy are filled with gut-friendly nutrients like cashews which have the highest omega-3 fatty acid content compared to most nuts.

If you are like me and hate spending an hour in the kitchen dirtying up 10 dishes just to make one little dessert, then these lemon bites are for you.

The best part is that you can add in the powder from 1-2 Just Thrive Probiotic capsules and make this dessert even more gut-healthy.

Lemon juice can help your stomach produce the acids that it needs to break down and digest your food.

These dessert bites can be eaten any time of day since they contain plenty of gut-friendly nutrients, healthy fats, and protein from the cashews, and the only sweetener is organic maple syrup. This week, I have been loving having these with my morning coffee before my workout as a little energy boost.

If you don’t like cashews, I would suggest peanuts or walnuts as the best substitute in this recipe since they have a similar texture and break down nicely into dough. Also, if you prefer, honey will work just as well in this recipe if you want to swap out the maple syrup. I recommend storing them in the fridge or the freezer for up to seven days.

I hope you enjoy this healthy, simple dessert!

Lemon Coconut Bites

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 0 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Course: Dessert
Diet: Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free
Servings: 12 bites



  1. Combine the cashews, coconut shreds, maple syrup, coconut oil, and probiotic powder into a food processor.
  2. Blend until a dough forms.
  3. Roll the dough into ~12 balls.
  4. Roll the balls in shredded coconut, and store in the fridge!


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