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Gut Health

Ingredients of Just Thrive Probiotic


survives gastric


Just Thrive® – a 100% spore-based probiotic – has been carefully formulated with highly effective, safe and verified strains that have been licensed from Royal Holloway London University. Most probiotic products on the market have focused on adding more strains and higher cell counts to help boost their marketing message, yet there is no scientific evidence that having dozens of strains at very high cell counts have any benefit at all. It is far more effective to have 2-4 verified, tested, high quality strains than to have a random mix of 15-20 different strains that have not been tested. A number of published studies have shown that many of these formulations with a dozen or more strains are often mislabeled where the wrong strains are shown on the label and strains that don’t appear on the label are in the product. They create these formulations where companies simply throw in everything to make the formulation look robust. If you look at any high quality, prescription probiotic, you won’t find one with more than 2-3 strains as it’s simply not necessary and, in fact, having a dozen strains can actually hinder the effectiveness of a probiotic product. 


The four strains included in Just Thrive are:

  • Bacillus Subtilis HU58
  • Bacillus Indicus HU36
  • Bacillus Clausii
  • Bacillus Coagulans

Here’s more information on each of the strains:

Bacillus Subtilis HU58

Bacillus Subtilis has been extensively studied on a genetic and functional level. There are several probiotic products in the pharmaceutical and agricultural markets that utilize this powerful probiotic. One very interesting function of Bacillus Subtilis is its ability to produce nearly 12 strong antibiotics that are potent fighters of opportunistic and harmful bacteria. This is part of its wide use in high level feed products. Bacillus Subtilis HU58 offers Just Thrive® the ability to support the prevention of harmful bacteria growth in a variety of conditions. In addition, HU58 produces a very healthy compound called Nattokinase in your digestive tract. Nattokinase is a key compound found in the Japanese food Natto that uses Bacillus subtilis for the fermentation of soy beans. The serine protease known as Nattokinase is secreted from vegetative cells of Bacillus subtilis and has been shown to support healthy blood pressure, support healthy cholesterol levels and support healthy circulation. Along with Nattokinase, Bacillus Subtilis also produces a number of other nutrients that have systemic health benefits. In addition, Bacillus Subtilis HU58 is an extremely potent immune stimulator. It has the function of germinating in the small intestines to some degree and this offers the effect of broad spectrum immune stimulation. It has also been shown to increase the growth of your natural good bacteria.

just thrive

Bacillus Indicus HU36

The Bacillus strain found in Just Thrive® that makes it a real game-changer in the probiotic market is Bacillus Indicus HU36 (Bacillus HU36). Bacillus HU36 is a well-studied, unique, patented strain of Gram-positive spore forming bacterium that produces a distinct yellow-orange pigmentation. The pigmentation is due to the synthesis of carotenoids, which are gastric stable, bio-accessible, and significantly more bioavailable than carotenoids from other sources. Bacillus HU36 offers Just Thrive® the most effective antioxidant probiotic on the market. Bacillus HU36 produces high levels of carotenoids such as Lycopene, Lutein, Astaxanthin, Zeaxanthin and Beta-Carotene. Along with these crucial antioxidants, Bacillus HU36 also produces quinols and essential vitamins B and K2. Just Thrive® is the first and only probiotic and antioxidant product on the market today, making it the new paradigm in probiotic therapy.

Bacillus Coagulans

A very well studied probiotic in the bacillus family that has a profound effect on inflammatory conditions such as IBS and Crohn’s. Bacillus Coagulans offers Just Thrive® an expanded effect of controlling these common inflammatory bowel conditions in addition to its potent immune boosting activity. Coagulans has the unique attribute of producing lactic acid and specifically the L+ optical isomer of lactic acid which has been shown to have a more profound effect on immune stimulation and gut defense than the other forms of lactic acid produced by conventional probiotics. Coagulans is also a tremendous colonizer and thus assures proper colonization of Just Thrive®, which in turn will produce the beneficial effects required. Coagulans also plays a key role in digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. In fact, coagulans can digest incoming fat to reduce the intake of cholesterol. Coagulans adds another dimension to Just Thrive®, giving it a potent ability to support the anti-inflammatory systems, aid in digestion and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Bacillus Clausii

This strain is the largest selling strain of probiotics in the world and is done so as a prescription drug in most countries. For the first time, this strain is made available to the U.S. dietary supplement industry and in this case, direct to you. In the prescription market, Bacillus Clausii is recommended for use during antibiotic treatment; this is due to the probiotics ability to resist damage from a variety of common antibiotics. Deadly opportunistic infections such a C.diff and H.Pylori are becoming more common among patients on antibiotic therapy as these broad spectrum antibiotics kill off many of the good bacteria and allow for such opportunistic infections. With the resistance found on Bacillus Clausii, it gives Just Thrive® a unique function of being a powerful therapy to support a healthy flora which works against opportunistic infections during antibiotic therapy.

dead bugs

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