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Gut Health

Dr. Campbell on “Obesity & Leaky Gut Syndrome”


Nobody wants to be overweight or obese, but nearly a third of the world’s population is, and it seems to be getting worse. In the United States alone, more than 2/3 of the population overweight or obese. This brings on risks: risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and a range of other chronic health problems. Being overweight or obese are more likely to get seriously ill or to die from influenza and other infectious diseases too. But people don’t wake up one day and say, “I’m going to get fat”.

I am going to explain what you can do to start losing weight and feeling better.

First, forget about the calories. The old thinking of “it’s too many calories in, and not enough exercise” is not true. According to that theory, if the average person went on an 1800 calories diet, that means they could eat 11 Oreo cookies a day (3 for breakfast 4 for lunch and 4 for dinner) with water and lose weight. That doesn’t make sense, nor should anyone try it because you would lack so many nutrients you would get sick quickly.

Many people are overweight and large. They don’t eat a lot of junk food, they just unknowingly don’t eat the right foods. These “wrong” foods, mainly processed foods and sugary drinks, promote inflammation, reducing the good bacteria in the gut microbiome, leading to the accumulation of fat. Nobody wants to be overweight. Yet it happens even if you have the best of intentions to remain within your weight range. It is not because people are lazy. It is due in part to your gut microbiome.

A recent study surveyed the eating habits of more than 9300 Americans and showed that they ate too many ultra processed foods.

We eat too many processed foods such as:

  • Breads and breakfast cereals.
  • Cake, ice cream, and other sweets.
  • Soft drinks and fruit drinks.
  • Frozen and packaged meals.
  • Pizza.
  • Salty snacks.
  • Milk-based drinks.
  • Packaged baked goods.
  • Chicken and fish nuggets.
  • Instant noodles and soups.
  • Packaged cheeses.
  • Bottled dressings and sauces.

Much of our diet consist of pesticide-sprayed, high-sugar, highly processed, low-fiber, high in saturated fat, food-like substances in plasticized containers. People eat these high-fat meals foods they because are common, readily accessible, and at low cost throughout the United States, and it is one of the prime contributors of postprandial endotoxemia.

What is postprandial endotoxemia? It’s what very well be contributing to your being overweight or obese. Postprandial endotoxemia is emerging as one of the principal causes of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Here is what happens: when you eat a meal with these highly processed foods, within a couple of hours, it causes changes in your microbiome, the normal helpful microbes that live in your gut. These changes cause inflammation in your intestinal tract and it becomes “leaky”, and you develop “leaky gut syndrome”, which I have written about previously. When the microbiome changes, you start putting on weight. People are overfed, but nutritionally speaking, they are starving.

One of the big causes of being overweight and obesity is the food industry. It promotes so many processed foods that lack nutritional value and that are full of chemicals to make them be tastier and look nicer. This food industry makes sure these unhealthy foods are advertised everywhere: magazines, TV ads, billboards, big signs, and so on. They are packaged in appealing wrappers, and people end up eating more than they need or more than is healthy for them. As an example, go to a movie theater and you can get a huge tub of popcorn, lots of different candies, and big sodas. Or go down the chips aisle at the supermarket and see how many different bags of chips there are. The average person in America eats 22 teaspoons of sugar per day, hidden in the processed foods we eat. Even bread has sugar in it: read the label if you are doubtful. If we eat the wrong kind of foods, it causes inflammation, and post-prandial endotoxemia follows and with that increased weight.

How do you correct this?

You stay away from the foods on the list I just gave you. But this is not enough. You also have to correct your leaky gut by improving the imbalance of the bacteria in your intestines. By taking one capsule a day of Just Thrive Probiotic, you can accomplish THREE important and essential steps for your well-being and health. First, you stop the leaky gut syndrome; second, you stop post-prandial endotoxemia; and third, you stop gaining weight. It’s as simple as that.

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