
How To Protect and Strengthen Your Teeth (No Dentist Required)

If you put off dental care during the pandemic, you’re not alone. 

After all, a trip to the dentist involves having someone else’s hands inside your mouth. And in a climate of being extremely careful and hygienic, that may not have felt completely safe. Even now as we’re getting back to normal, visiting the dentist may not be at the top of the priority list. 


There are some easy steps you can take today to protect and strengthen your teeth, and dramatically improve your dental health... Especially when you add a little known vitamin – also known as Activator X – into your daily routine.  

But first, a quick primer on your teeth and bone’s favorite letter.

Oh! K! (And why Calcium and Vitamin D Aren’t Enough)

When you think about nutrients for your teeth, calcium and vitamin D probably top the list. 

That makes a lot of sense. Calcium provides the basic foundation for strong, healthy teeth. And Vitamin D helps your body properly absorb and use calcium.

But they need their third team member, a nutrient known as “vitamin K2,” to deliver optimal dental health.

Without K2, calcium won’t get where it needs to go. Instead, calcium will make its way into soft tissues like your heart and blood vessels where it can cause life-altering damage. And it won’t get into your teeth, leaving them weak and vulnerable to cavities. 

So even if you have great dental hygiene, brush and floss regularly, and take plenty of calcium and vitamin D… 

You can’t have strong healthy teeth without vitamin K2.

beautiful teeth

How Vitamin K2 Changed Dental Care Forever

More than 80 years ago, a visionary dentist named