Our immune system plays a vital role in our overall well-being. While many community organizations have taken drastic measures to battle immune diseases, like the Immune Deficiency Foundation, a mind-boggling 50 million Americans suffer from one or more immune disorders.
Our immune systems are incredibly complex. When in good health, the immune system keeps us from getting sick and has the amazing ability to protect the body from foreign substances. When in poor health, however, the system can "turn" on itself, producing a vast array of unwanted conditions, particularly autoimmune disease.
Protecting your immune health starts with educating yourself about the various diet and lifestyle changes needed to counteract the possibility of damaging your immune health. Certain foods, vitamin supplements, and probiotics are well known for boosting immune health quickly. Taking part in physical exercise is crucial for complementing a non-GMO diet, both of which improve immune health and leave you feeling energized and healthy.
Below, we’ve put together the ultimate go-to guide to help you optimize, support, and achieve good immune health. You'll learn about common immune system diseases, tips for strengthening your immune system, and specific vitamins and immune boosting probiotics you can use to boost immune health. As you’re reading, you’ll notice helpful hyperlinks that you can click on that provide you with valuable in-depth information on the topics being discussed.
Understanding Immune System Diseases
When a person suffers from an autoimmune disease, it means the immune system has turned on itself and is now attacking the body. Instead of keeping foreign invaders at bay and from entering the bloodstream, it's letting them through. As these foreign invaders infiltrate the body, they weaken the immune system. Systemic inflammation is the cause of autoimmune disease.
Having a poor immune system is going to lead numerous health complications, including fatigue, bloating, abdominal discomfort, and more. As you begin to learn more about autoimmune diseases, you will become more familiar with the ways vitamins and immune-boosting probiotics can strengthen the immune system.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a common disease that impacts approximately 1.6 million Americans. Weight loss and severe abdominal pain, combined with urgent bowel movements, are three of the most common symptoms endured by those with IBD. Immune-suppressing medications are often prescribed by physicians to alleviate these symptoms.
Type 1 diabetes is another common disease that results from having a poor immune system. Antibodies produced by the immune system fail to appropriately do their job and instead attack cells in the body that are meant to release insulin. As a result, a person will suffer from extremely low levels of insulin. When left untreated, a person will usually die from Type 1 diabetes. Insulin injections are the most common form of treatment for this disease.
Another type of autoimmune disease that is commonly experienced by Americans is leaky gut syndrome. Although this disease has yet to be recognized by a large number of medical professionals, this doesn't take away from the fact that it is very real. The immune system lives primarily in your gut, so when it's not healthy, your gut is not able to perform its primary responsibility, which is to determine which particles from the foods you eat and the beverages you drink make their way throughout your body.
When a person has leaky gut, his or her intestinal permeability will be greatly impacted in a negative manner. Tight junctions in the gut are just as the name implies -- tight holes that allow nutrients to pass through. With leaky gut, these tight junctions become loose, meaning foreign substances that aren't supposed to pass through make their way into the bloodstream and to your organs.
Fortunately, there are several ways you can heal leaky gut. It starts with altering your diet. Intestinal permeability is negatively impacted by gluten and many GMO foods, meaning they have been genetically modified. Cutting out food containing gluten and GMOs is an excellent way to ensure your tight junctions are tight and able to serve their purpose. Ideally, you will want to switch to a diet that consists of organic foods and beverages.
It's also important to avoid foods with GMOs or those harvested with glyphosate, a herbicide typically used in roundup weedkiller to make harvesting practices more efficient. This herbicide may lead to more money in the pockets of farmers, but it leaves you with huge holes in your gut. It loosens tight junctions and augments negative intestinal permeability.
Altering your diet with probiotics and certain vitamin supplements can further improve leaky gut symptoms. Probiotics, particularly ones containing the patented strain called Bacillus Indicus HU36, are specifically designed to heal and improve tight junction performance and to decrease poor intestinal permeability.
Tips for Strengthening Your Immune System
From the air you breathe to the food you eat,n your immune system can be compromised. Strengthening your immune health starts with understanding how your immune system works.
You are born with two types of immune systems. Both work in tandem with one another but go by different names. The one you are born with from the get-go is called innate immunity. The one that you build up over time as you are exposed to bacteria, viruses, immunizations, etc. is called your adaptive immune system. As to be expected, the stronger each part of the immune system is, the stronger the other one can be. Ultimately, you want both parts to be as strong as possible.
When a foreign invader infiltrates the body, it takes your adaptive system about five to 10 days to pinpoint, produce, and release the antibodies it thinks is best suited to fight off the intruder. This applies to viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and more. During this five to 10 days, your innate immunity will battle pathogens and do its best to keep them from multiplying. Sometimes, when you have a strong in