(hint: our probiotic is in the dressing in this photo!)
Meet Cami AKA Veggiesthenwine - she's the mastermind behind this delicious and refreshing summery salad.
Here’s three featured reasons why we love it:
- Blood Oranges
With an outrageously alluring color, these navel splendors, which technically fall under the ‘berry’ classification, are at their absolute freshest come August. This makes them ideal summer recipe bedfellows. Even better – From a nutritional standpoint, they pack a serious health punch.
Compared to your standard fare oranges, blood oranges contain 9x the antioxidants, 2x the Vitamin A, and a prodigious amount of polyphenols.
Polyphenols – micronutrients that are packed with antioxidants and potent health benefits – are all the rage at the moment. And for good reason! Many health experts attest that polyphenols can help support healthy digestion, healthy cardiovascular function, healthy blood sugar levels, and optimal weight maintenance.
- Mint Leaves
Mint can be found in many different concoctions, from main dishes, to candy, to personal care products (ie: toothpaste.) Unsurprisingly, mint is often thought of as a tool that helps keep our mouths clean and pleasant-smelling.
But did you know? Mint leaves offer a number of health benefits beyond nice smelling breath. For example:
Mint’s powerful aroma can be used to alleviate stomach distress and even soothe splitting headaches.
Mint contains menthol, which is a natural decongestant that can help clear and cool sinus cavities and break up phlegm and mucus.
Compared to other foods and herbs, mint has one of the highest levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals and help prevent cellular damage, making them crucially beneficial for your overall health.
That’s right - Not only is this summer salad delicious, it contains an added beneficial bacterial punch to make your tummy happy and your body healthy.
To reap the rewards of our probiotic without impacting the flavor or aroma of this dish, simply open up 1 capsule and add it to the dressing ingredients prior to blending.
Unlike most probiotics on the market, you can add our probiotic strains to just about anything!!
The Just Thrive spore-based probiotic is tasteless, odorless, and mixes perfectly into 99.99% of recipes.
Yes, even if you throw it into a saucepan on high heat.
Yes, even if you bury it in banana pudding and deep freeze it.
And yes, even if you beat it into a brownie mix and THEN put it into the oven to bake at 400…
(Parents - this is especially useful if you have a little one at home who has a hard time swallowing pills)
Spore probiotics – the specific, proprietary super strains in our probiotic product – are wholly unique and amazingly resilient.
And that’s no exaggeration
Example #1:
👉 Super Strain Bacillus Subtilis HU58
This strain is so resilient that researchers at California Polytechnic State University reported reviving Bacillus spores from the gut of a 25-million-year-old bee that was fossilized in amber!
Example #2:
👉 Super Strain Bacillus Clausii
This is THE ONLY probiotic strain that can maintain effectiveness when taken with antibiotics! Bacillus Clausii is shown to resist damage from a variety of common antibiotics to help recondition your gut with the healthy bacteria it needs.
So add our probiotic to something hot, or something cold... Swallow it, eat it, drink it… It doesn’t matter! Just make sure you and those you love get your daily dose so you can all be your best and healthiest selves!
And now, on to the recipe...
Citrus Avocado Salad with Honey Mint Probiotic DressingServes 2 🥑🥑 Ingredients: