Gut Health

You Could Have Prediabetes And Not Even Know It!

In the middle of the pandemic, there’s a quieter, though no less harmful epidemic that’s also taking shape...

88 million Americans have prediabetes. 

(Prediabetes = A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes. Without intervention, there's a strong likelihood that prediabetes can become type 2 diabetes.)

And here's where things get even more alarming:

Nearly 90% of people with prediabetes have no idea they have it because it's a condition without symptoms.

That means you could have prediabetes right now, putting you on a straight path to develop Type 2 diabetes and its dozens of devastating health consequences.

And – There’s no way to know for sure if you have it unless your doctor orders a special blood test. But if you’re walking around with prediabetes, full-blown Type 2 diabetes could be right around the corner. And that increases your risk for everything from Alzheimer’s disease to heart attack to kidney failure.

Luckily, you can keep prediabetes in check and stop it from getting worse – even prevent Type 2 diabetes – if you take action right now. For the best next steps, including the smartest thing you can do to protect yourself (that most people don’t even think of,) keep reading...

Diabetes Can Sneak Up On You

You can have prediabetes for years without ever experiencing a single symptom. That’s why it usually goes undetected until you end up with big health problems.

If you have prediabetes, it means your body isn’t processing sugar the right way. 

Here’s how things are meant to work: 

Whenever you eat, your body produces a hormone called insulin that escorts sugar into your cells. Then your cells can convert the sugar into the energy they need to function. 

But with prediabetes, your body either can’t create enough insulin or doesn’t use insulin properly. And some cells can develop resistance to insulin, so they don’t respond when it tries to make a sugar delivery. When any of that happens, sugar remains in your bloodstream instead of entering your cells the way it’s supposed to.

When you have prediabetes, your blood sugar is higher than normal but not high enough to reach diabetes levels…yet. But having blood sugar levels that are even a little elevated for a long period of time can undermine your health. 

Luckily, knowing you have prediabetes can help you reverse it. Plus, it’ll give you a great shot at completely preventing Type 2 diabetes… And that can save your life. 

sugar, diabetes

Unmanaged Diabetes Delivers Dire Consequences

First things first – Let’s be clear on the stakes. Chronic high blood sugar causes all sorts of serious health problems. It affects every cell,