And the simplest way to effectively support your gut health
Probiotic and prebiotic sodas are taking social media by storm. They’re touted as a delicious, convenient way to improve your gut health without making any lifestyle changes.
But when you break it down, it’s really not that simple.
Are these sodas better for you than the traditional version? Yes.
Will they improve your gut health…?
Let’s find out! We'll explore what science has to say about these new "healthy soda" options and an even simpler, convenient, and proven way to transform your gut health.
Why Bother with Probiotics and Prebiotics?
The idea sounds great: Drink soda and fix your gut at the same time. But that’s not really how it works.
Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria—both beneficial probiotics and harmful pathogens. In a healthy gut, beneficial probiotics vastly outnumber pathogens. Probiotic bacteria help keep your gut and your whole body healthy.
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Prebiotics are special kinds of dietary fiber that nourish probiotic bacteria so they can grow and flourish.
Probiotic gut bacteria transform certain prebiotics—their favorite food—into compounds like vitamins and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that contribute to your overall wellness. (These beneficial byproducts are also known as postbiotics.)
When your gut becomes unbalanced—a condition called dysbiosis—pathogens grow out of control and take over the microbiome. Those pathogens produce compounds that trigger inflammation, oxidative stress, and immune system overreactions.
So making sure your gut microbiome is healthy and balanced can drastically improve your health, and taking effective probiotics and prebiotics is a crucial part of that process.

Are Prebiotic and Probiotic Sodas Effective?
You need the right kinds of prebiotics and probiotics to maintain a healthy gut. And it can take even more targeted support to overcome dysbiosis.
To impact microbiome balance, probiotics need to arrive in your gut alive. However, this can be particularly challenging when they’ve sat on a shelf for who knows how long. On top of that, they have to survive the treacherous journey through your digestive system to get to your gut microbiome. Most commercial probiotics won’t make it to your gut alive. And after they’ve been sitting in a can of soda for weeks or months, they may not even be alive when you get them.
One popular probiotic soda brand even hints at this on their website, saying each can contains “billions of CFUs of our of live probiotics at the time of canning.”
So in terms of efficacy, those probiotic sodas are going to have little to no impact on your gut.
Now, what about prebiotic sodas?
You need prebiotic fiber to keep the good gut microbes fueled, and even more importantly, the type of fiber you choose really matters.
Many popular prebiotic sodas use inulin as their fiber source, and inulin is well known for causing gas, bloating, and digestive distress.[1] Inulin may be especially irritating for