Do you feel over-full and bloated after you eat? Like food is just stuck in your stomach like a bowling ball?
Are you occasionally sidelined by indigestion… constipation… bloating… and gas?
Do you wish you had more energy? And just want to feel better every day?
If so, then it’s time to take a closer look at—digestive bitters—a special group of plants designed by nature to keep your digestive system flowing smoothly and efficiently.
Because when your digestive system operates at peak function, digestion won’t feel uncomfortable, and you’ll fully absorb more nutrients from every bite.
Digestive Bitters: Nature’s First Digestive Aid
Our bodies are designed to work with nature… but in the modern world it’s tough to eat the way nature intended. Our ancestors survived by foraging and gathering whatever plants they came across—and that included some with exceptionally bitter ones. Those bitter compounds protected the plants from insects and parasites, making them prime and abundant food for the people who came across them.
Bitterness also serves a purpose for human digestion. That sharp taste alerts your body and signals it to start the digestive process. And while your tongue holds special bitter taste buds—known as T2R receptors—that’s not the only place they’re found in your body. Your entire digestive system is lined with T2R receptors, and each area reacts when it gets activated by bitter compounds.[1] Those bitters trigger hormones and proteins necessary for complete digestion. Some help breakdown foods, others help you feel full, and still others affect digestive muscles and motility so food doesn’t dwell too long in the system.[2]
When any of these normal digestive processes doesn’t quite work, the results are noticeably uncomfortable. As ancient peoples didn’t have access to things like antacids, these natural digestive aids played a key role in promoting optimal digestion. That’s why traditional medicinal use of bitters goes all the way back to ancient times.[3] Because indigestion, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal discomfort, and reflux are all very common digestive consequences… and no one wants to experience them.

The Key Role Digestive Bitters Play in Digestion
Digestive bitters contain a wide and complex combination of bitter compounds that stimulate every part of the digestive system. And once those T2R receptors get the message, they set off a chain of digestive processes necessary for the complete breakdown and absorption of whatever you’ve eaten.
1. Release of Digestive Compounds
Bitters start by triggering the release of digestive compounds including enzymes, bile, and stomach acid. Those are all essential for fully breaking down food into its absorbable components.
2. Bitters Aid Digestion & Protect the Stomach Lining
In the stomach, bitters encourage production of hydrochloric acid and enzymes like pepsin that work to fully digest food. At the same time, those bitters help shield your sto