Gut Health

How Vitamin K2-7 Protects Against Osteoporosis and Heart Disease

Sounds crazy, but one of the most important minerals for good health can also destroy your health.

Calcium, essential for strong teeth and bones, can also put you at risk serious heart disease when your body can’t use it properly. Unfortunately, it’s hard to detect a calcium problem in the early stages.

That’s why it’s important to manage your calcium before it gets out of control… and protect both your heart and your bones at the same time.

And the only way to do that is with nature’s own calcium manager, vitamin K2-7. 

Calcium Can Go Either Way

You need calcium to survive, but this essential mineral can also threaten your health.

Here’s how it works: Your body needs just the right amount of calcium in your bloodstream. If you get too little calcium, your body pulls what it needs from its internal storage – your bones.

 Seems like there’s an easy fix for that: Make sure to get enough calcium from food and supplements. But that’s only part of the solution. Your body also has to be able to process all that calcium the right way – to strengthen your bones.

 When it can’t do that, your bones won’t get enough calcium, and you’ll start to lose bone density. That’s the first step on the path toward osteoporosis. What’s worse, the calcium that doesn’t get to your bones can collect in your blood vessels… exactly where you don’t want it. When too much calcium builds up in your blood vessels, it can block the blood flow to your heart.

That’s why people with weak bones are also more likely to suffer from heart disease.

Luckily, there’s a very easy way to make sure this doesn’t happen. A simple nutrient, vitamin K2-7, directs calcium into your bones and helps it stick there, and keeps excess calcium out of your bloodstream.

Vitamin K2-7: Calcium Controller

Here’s a little fun fact about Vitamin K2-7: It helps to control the way your body uses calcium.

Let’s break this down. When you get enough K2-7, your body will use the calcium you take in to build and strengthen your bones… and keep calcium out of your blood vessels so they don’t stiffen up (also called calcifying). It doesn't take much K2-7 to get the job done, but you do need to supply enough of it in the right form.

Vitamin K2-7 activates special calcium-regulating and bone-strengthening proteins:

  • Matrix Gla keeps calcium out of your blood vessels (Integr Med (Encinitas) 
  • Osteocalcin directs calcium into your bone and locks it in place 
  • Gas6 helps special cells called osteoclasts clear old, dead bone cells to make space for fresh, healthy bone tissue 
  • Protein S helps regulate bone turnover, meaning the replacement of old bone cells with new bone cells