Every day you likely use soap… shampoo… deodorant… and skin care products or makeup. And, like so many other people, that means you’re likely exposed to a variety of toxins that can do serious damage to your health.
In the United States especially, the personal care product industry has different and fewer ingredient restrictions that many other places in the world.
As shocking as it may sound, in the U.S. personal care products are allowed to contain heavy metals, formaldehyde, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and known cancer-causing compounds. Sometimes these toxic ingredients don’t even get listed on a label… instead they get buried inside words like “fragrance” and “mineral oil.”
The dangerous constituants get easily absorbed through your pores… And, every time you smell a fragrance, you’re potentially inhaling toxic chemicals.
So how can you shield yourself against personal product toxicity?
Read on to find your fastest and most effective path to protection.
Watch Out for Toxic Ingredients
When you look at personal care product labels, they look like long lists of chemicals. Some of these are perfectly harmless, like the scientific names of botanicals. Others are highly dangerous toxins that are tragically still somehow allowed to be used in these products. Sometimes, product contain very only a very small amount of each individual toxin... But even small toxins used in combination daily can be devastating to your current and future health.
Here’s a look at some of the worst culprits:
EDCs – Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
This group of chemicals interfere with normal healthy hormone function, which can cause serious d